Darybinių sinonimų stilistika

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darybinių sinonimų stilistika
Alternative Title:
Changes of style of the derivative synonyms
In the Journal:
Linguistica Lettica. 2002, 10, p. 92-101
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darybiniai sinonimai; Darybinė reikšmė, leksinė reikšmė; Konotacija; Semantika; Stilistika; Žodžių daryba; Connotation; Derivation; Derivative meaning; Derivative synonyms; Lexical meaning; Lithuanian; Semantics; Stylistics.

ENDerivative synonyms are considered to be those derivatives that have the same root, different derivational affixes and a very similar or identical meaning. There are many derivative synonyms which can be substituted by one another almost without any limits (įkyrus bambalius / bambeklis, stogo dengėjas / dengikas, lapų šlamesys / šlamėjimas). It has been noticed that the lines of derivative synonyms can change or disappear at times, because the meaning of the word isn't the same all the time. The derivative synonyms which have similar or identical meaning can function (can be used) not only in the same styles (dvelkimas and dvelksmas, kūlėjas, -a and kūlikas, -ė, švarybė and švarumas', čirplys, -ė and čirpynė, klibinda and klibis), but in different styles too (klajotojas, -a and klajūnas, -ė, prašytojas and prašeiva). The abstract verbals become more concrete or become terms (tarimas and tarsena, tartis) sometimes. Some of derivative synonyms become absolute words ([tėkmė, medžionė), some derivatives are used only in some dialects (atlikuonis, auglius, lupa). Some of the derivative synonyms are more usual in poetical texts, where there are a lot of metaphors (gyvastis, svajonė, svaja). [From the publication]

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