Reciprocity between religious movements of Lithuanian diaspora and religious institutions in the post-secular English society

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Reciprocity between religious movements of Lithuanian diaspora and religious institutions in the post-secular English society
In the Journal:
Reliģiski-filosofiski raksti. 2019, 25, 1, p. 106-123
Krikščionybė. Teologija / Christianity. Theology.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvių diaspora Anglijoje; Lietuvių išeivija Anglijoje; Lietuvos katalikų medžiaga; Lietuvos krikščionių bažnyčia; Romos katalikų bažnyčia; Romos katalikų medžiaga; Lithuanian Christian Church; Lithuanian diaspora in England; Roman Catholic Church.

ENThis article investigates the reciprocity between religious movements of Lithuanian diaspora and religious institutions in the post-secular English society. The research focuses on two Christian religious movements of Lithuanian immigrants (The Roman Catholic Church of St. Casimir, Lithuanian Church Parish and the Lithuanian Christian Church) in London, which came to the UK after the accession of the new EU Member States in 2004. This paper has two related tasks: (1) to examine the role of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Casimir and the Lithuanian Christian Church in socialization and global integration processes in the life of Lithuanian diaspora; (2) to describe the perception of religious identity of the new wave Lithuanian diaspora in England. To reach this goal a survey of fifty respondents was undertaken, using stratified random sampling. The main source of this work derives from ethnographic material gathered in the UK and Lithuania in 2017 according to the project "Cultural and Religious Identity of Lithuanians in England" (Reg. No. SA-1) co-funded by the Council for the Protection of Ethnic Culture. The ethnographic material was gathered using classical fieldwork methods (observation, the questionnaire form, discussions, structured and semi-structured interviews), as well as the analysis of Lithuanian diaspora’s religious activity in two Christian communities’ websites. The research surveyed fifty persons from different social groups. The results of the survey have shown that the Lithuanian Catholic parish of St. Casimir and the Lithuanian Christian Church perform the function of rallying Lithuanian emigrants in London as a space which forms Lithuanian cultural, religious and national values. Both Churches meet the religious and spiritual needs of their members, as well as help immigrants in a new social environment and support them when solving practical problems.The Churches play an important role as information-sharing communities which enhance the socioeconomic opportunities of immigrants and their children. Such a model of Churches and religious organizations helps with successful socialization as well as adaptation and global integration processes of immigrants and their children in a new English society. Thereby, the social, cultural, and socioeconomic roles of the churches are undeniable. To sum it up, the issue of identity solved by the new wave of Lithuanian emigrants in England is problematic and controversial enough: a person is stuck between a few choices and is made to raise existential questions rethinking his or her situation in a new multicultural and multireligious environment. An emigrant, considering the issue of their identity, finds himself or herself in an intermediate, liminal position as they do not feel they belong to the country neither at home nor abroad. Thus the cultural and religious identity of an emigrant might be defined as a conscious cultural or religious choice identifying himself or herself with existentially vital issues. Special importance is attached to communal celebration of religious and national festivals: rituals help countrymen living in diaspora to share common experience which helps to bond community members emotionally. Lithuanian diaspora living in London celebrate religious festivals in the environment familiar to them in terms of culture and religion, in the circle of their kin, friends and parish members, where a person feels most secure. Celebrations play an important role since socialization and inculturation enable the emigrants to pass on the traditions and reveal the significance of their content. Besides, such celebrations help the community members to renew and review the meaning of their national and religious identity. Celebrating Lithuanian and religious holidays encourages the community to stay together, share ideas and survive.On the one hand, Christian churches and various religious institutions are one of the most important sources of support for the practical problems such as helping others in need, including new immigrants and the poor. On the other hand, churches, parishes or temples play an importan role in preserving the community and ensuring continuity in the lives of immigrants. Here new believers find comfort and security through participation in various religious activities. It proves the importance of reciprocal relations between different religious congregations. [From the publication]

2021-02-02 19:08:31
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