LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darinys; Marius Katiliškis; Naujadaras; Potencinis darinys; Vedinys; Žodžių daryba; Derivation; Derivative; Lithuanian; Marius Katiliškis; Neologism; Potential derivative.
ENVarious texts contain the derivatives which have not been included into the Dictionary of the Lithuanian language. This article deals with the neologisms of Marius Katiliškis (26 derivatives with various suffixes, prefixes, inflections and compound words have been discussed in this article). Many are derivatives are derived according to the word building rules and can be treated as potential derivatives (nesidavimas, žalionė, žiūriškis, brūškenti, čivirenti, gūkčioti, pasikiknoti, nebeliaupstyti(s), neūksėti, tebežlegsėti, a lot of compoud words e.g. daugiašakis, ūsapalaikiai, žabūsis an so on). According to the data of Corpus of the Lithuania Language compiled by the Vytautas Magnus University only five neologisms (berūpestingas, čivirenti, pasikiknoti, stebulingas, agronomiškai) are seldom used in various texts. So it is unlikely neologizms of Katiliškis will become the part of the active lexis. The research demonstrates neologisms belong to the part of figurative lexis and are figures of speech very often ( e. g. adjective neologisms are used as epithets or the part of simile: berūpestingas gaišimas, stebulinga koplyčia, švelniabambis frantas, šlaiki tartum eglaitė). Neologisms carry a lot of information: some of derivatives have positive (skaidrasparnė, stebulingas) but much more negative (nevešuoklis, šlakuotanosė, ūsapalaikiai, žabūsis) semantic component. [From the publication]