Profesijos pedagogo saviugdos motyvacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesijos pedagogo saviugdos motyvacija
Alternative Title:
Self-Development Motivation of Vocational Teachers
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2002, 59, p. 117-124
Summary / Abstract:

LTProfesijos pedagogo profesionalumo augimą lemia saviugda. Saviugdos permanentiškumą įtakoja motyvacija. Profesijos pedagogo saviugdos motyvacija sąlygoja ir mokinio motyvaciją. Tai apsprendžia profesijos pedagogo ir mokinio kūrybinį kryptingumą, bendro tikslo siekimą. Motyvacijos svarbos suvokimas skatina adekvačią profesijos pedagogo saviugdą, kuri lydima pastovaus tobulėjimo, o ypač profesinės kompetencijos augimo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Saviugda; Poreikiai; Motyvacija; Self-development; Motivation of vocational.

ENSelf-development decides the growth of vocational teacher’s professional skills. Motivation influences the continuity of self-development. Self-development motivation of vocational teachers determines the students’ motivation as well. It leads to the creative purposefulness and the search for common goals in the relations between vocational teachers and students. The perception of the self-development process stimulates an adequate self-development of the vocational teacher, expressed by constant improvement – the growth of vocational teacher’s competence. Earlier research findings and a theoretical analysis of the problem allows arguing that self-expression and communication are the dominant needs of pedagogy students. In the process of vocational teacher training we must influence the student’s attitude purposively, constantly raising more complicated objectives to satisfy those needs. Self-expression needs stimulate a continuous process of self-development, and the ability to communicate and cooperate perfectly forms the optimal organizational management activity of vocational teachers, boosting the students’ motivation as well. In joint teams, only the purposefulness of vocational teachers and students stimulates mutual self-development and the search for common objectives. The knowledge of the functions of self-development motivation enables devising the criteria and indicators of self-development which determine the vocational teacher activity in order to increase his/her professional pedagogical competence.

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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