Supervizijos perspektyva atvejo vadyboje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Supervizijos perspektyva atvejo vadyboje
Alternative Title:
Prospects of supervision in case management
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2020, Nr.1 (84), p. 51-74
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama gana naujos šeimai skirtų socialinių paslaugų pareigybės – atvejo vadybininko profesinės veiklos sudėtingumas ir supervizijos, kaip profesinės paramos formos, taikymo perspektyva. Socialinio darbo lauke supervizija – gerai žinoma profesinių santykių konsultavimo forma. Socialiniai darbuotojai, keldami profesinę kvalifikaciją, siekia dalyvauti grupės, komandos ir individualiose supervizijose. Socialinio darbo praktikoje puikiai žinoma ir vadovo bei visos organizacijos supervizija. Lietuvoje, kaip ir visame pasaulyje, ji pirmiausia įsitvirtino socialinio darbo lauke, kas rodo šios profesijos sudėtingumą. Socialinis darbas, kaip profesija, nuolat patiria įvairių pokyčių, gausėja paslaugų, vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama specialioms metodikoms, kai globalus požiūris nebetenkina esamos įgalinimo situacijos. Atvejo vadybininkas yra nauja pareigybė, tad jos turinys tik formuojasi. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad darbuotojai nuolat patiria įtampą, kurią didina esamos atsakomybės našta. Jie ir kuria šios pareigybės turinį, nuolat susidurdami su tarpinstitucinio bendradarbiavimo trukdžiais. Straipsnyje aptarti kokybinis tyrimas, atvejo vadybininkų interviu ir supervizijos patirties refleksija leidžia pateikti išvadas dėl supervizijos taikymo perspektyvos, pasiūlyti konkrečias supervizijos formas, išskirtinėmis šioje situacijoje tampa individuali ir komandos supervizija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvejo vadybininkas; Supervizija; Riziką patiriančios šeimos; Profesinė parama; Case manager; Supervision; Families at risk; Professional support.

ENSupervision as a form of professional relationship counselling has long been recognised in the context of professional assistance professions. It is described as burn-out prevention, an opportunity for personal and professional growth, an effective form of support and professional support, and a context for reflective education. As in Lithuania, in world practice, supervision first appeared in the field of social work, and later reached other professions in health care and education systems, business, etc. The practice of supervision is constantly accompanied by research to enable more professional ways of empowering professionals in the process of professional relationship counselling. At present, three programmes for supervisors have been prepared in Lithuania. The Lithuanian Association of Professional Relations Consultants, established in 2006, guarantees the quality of services provided, and unites over 60 supervisors. Lithuanian supervisors conduct control supervisions in other countries, present reports at international scientific conferences, and participate in international supervisor training study programmes. This suggests that experience has already been gained that can be shared in the development of supervisory studies and progressive practices at an international level. Social work as a profession is currently clearly formed; more and more professionals are interested in and use the opportunities of professional support, realising that social work is a profession where employees are constantly faced with challenges, working in crisis intervention situations. New positions are emerging where employees have to adjust the content of their professional activities, sometimes as a challenge, and sometimes as a threat. Changes require new knowledge and general skills from the employee, and one such position is the case manager. [...].The aim is to explore the possibilities of supervision in case management. Research methods: semi-structured interviews, reflection on experience, narrative data analysis. The interviews were conducted in April 2020. Eight case managers from N district participated in the study. The interviews were arranged in advance. The study participants were informed about the aims, objectives, functions and course of the study. The interview questions were constructed by focusing on elements of the interaction-based social work process model: employee, client, circumstances (Bagdonas, 2001; Dirgėlienė, Kiaunytė, 2005). During the investigation, full confidentiality, the right to anonymity and privacy were ensured. When analysing the data obtained during the research, the names of the research participants were not made public, by giving them pseudonyms: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7. Characteristics of the study participants: all the study participants were women; X1, X2, X3 and X4 have an MA in social work; and X5, X6 and X7 have a higher university degree in social work. Prior to becoming managers, all the study participants had previously worked in social work with families at risk. Their length of service is: X1 ten years, X2 six years, X3 15 years, X4 six years, X5 ten years, X6 seven years, and X7 eight years. The age of study participants: from 30 to 45. [...] Conclusions. Empirical research revealed that case managers, as professionals in quite a new position, experience a situation of change when the content of professional activities is formed, requiring a new approach, new competencies, courage and creativity from the employee. The client of the case manager is a family at social risk. Like the social worker working directly with the family, the case manager works in a crisis intervention situation, operating in conditions of intensive interaction.Complex family problems, responsibility for case management and decisionmaking cause tension, and existential anxiety is also experienced. It is time to talk about existential social work, about the personality traits of employees, their ‘personal power’, their readiness to work in crisis situations, and psychosocial competencies. The refinement of the new role and functions is becoming topical; one of the obstacles to activities is the duplication of activities, bureaucracy, overload, and the situation of inter-institutional cooperation. There is a need for new knowledge and skills; meeting skills, oratorical skills and organisational skills; the ability to concentrate and persuade; important legal knowledge; and, of course, leadership. In a situation of change, a very important aspect is professional support, organisational culture, and leadership style. The topics raised by the case managers involved in group supervision responded to organisational, professional, domain, and relationship dynamics. Supervision reflected on and analysed professional values, role change, conflict resolution and stress-coping strategies, and change management and acceptance. According to the participants, supervision strengthened self-confidence, provided support and security, and encouraged self-reflection and continuous learning. Some topics of supervision require deeper analysis and openness, so individual supervision is highly recommended. Team supervision would be valuable: it would help facilitate the process of accepting change and creating new collaborative content. The supervision of the manager is also important, because the well-being and progress of not only each employee, but also the entire organisation, depends to a large extent on the leadership style, openness and cooperation. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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