Motyvacinės sistemos tęsti ar rinktis profesinę karo tarnybą Lietuvos kariuomenės karinėse jūrų pajėgose tyrimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Motyvacinės sistemos tęsti ar rinktis profesinę karo tarnybą Lietuvos kariuomenės karinėse jūrų pajėgose tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Research on the motivational systems to continue/choose the professional military service in the Lithuanian Navy
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastaruosius keletą metų padidėjęs karinių grėsmių intensyvumas ir geopolitinė Lietuvos situacija lėmė pasikeitimus krašto apsaugos sistemoje. Šalyje rengiamos didelio masto karinės pratybos, sprendžiamos kariuomenės komplektavimo problemos, nuspręsta didinti kariuomenės rezervą. Krašto apsaugos ministerija kasmet siūlo didinti profesinės karo tarnybos karių skaičių, nes kariuomenei trūksta visų kategorijų karių. Kariuomenė susiduria su žmogiškųjų išteklių išlaikymo ir jų trūkumo problemomis. 2015 metais Lietuva grąžino šaukimą į Lietuvos kariuomenę. Kasmet į kariuomenę pašaukiama 3–4 tūkst. jaunuolių. Šaukimas grąžintas siekiant užpildyti kariuomenės padalinius ir rengti rezervą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Karinės jūrų pajėgos; Lietuvos kariuomenė; Motyvacinė sistema; Profesinė karo tarnyba; Lithuanian Armed Forces; Lithuanian Navy; Military service; Motivation system.

ENIn order to solve the problem of servicemen leaving the military service, it was decided to increase the reserve of the Lithuanian Armed Forces in the last few years. As the Lithuanian military experiences the lack of servicemen of all ranks, the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania annually provides for a consistent increase in the number of professional military servicemen. The Research Center at General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania is engaged in the organization of sociological researches in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Mostly military-related studies can be linked to the researches carried out by the centre (Novagrockienė, 2010; Gruževskis, Maslauskaitė, Korsakienė, Smaliukienė and Šakočius, 2014). G. Gražytė-Miliukienė and D. Prakapienė (2012) examined professional development of officers in 2015. E. Vileikienė, A. Pocienė and J. Aleknevičienė published a scientific study revealing the servicemen’s motives to serve in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. This branch of research is strictly controlled by the Lithuanian state institutions, therefore, the surveys conducted by the centre are not numerous, and their results are not generally available to civilian researchers due to military specifics.The object of the research is the motivation of the servicemen of the permanent compulsory initial military service, professional military service and commander courses at the Lithuanian Navy. The purpose of the research is to investigate the motivation of the servicemen of the permanent compulsory initial military service and commander courses of the Lithuanian Navy to continue/choose professional military service. The research tasks are as follows: to analyze the legal framework regulating the military mission of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, to examine the theoretical aspects of motivation to serve in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, to study the motivational systems to continue/choose the professional military service in the Lithuanian Navy and to provide motivational systems. The research methods are as follows: the analysis of scientific literature, the analysis of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania regulating military service, quantitative survey - questionnaire survey (interpretation and systematization of results), and analysis of online sources. The guidelines for improvement of the motivational systems to continue/choose the professional military service in the Lithuanian Navy are presented in the thesis. [From the publication]

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