Bycie nie na miejscu: listy Georga Forstera z Wilna (1784-1787) jako narracja autobiograficzna

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Bycie nie na miejscu: listy Georga Forstera z Wilna (1784-1787) jako narracja autobiograficzna
Alternative Title:
Out of place: Georg Forster's letters from Vilnius (1784-1787) as autobiographical testimony
In the Journal:
Autobiografia [Autobiografia. Literatura. Kultura. Media]. 2019, nr 1 (12), p. 103-118
Georgas Adomas Forsteris (Georg Forster, Johann George Adam Forster); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Epistoliarinė literatūra / Epistolary literature; Mokslo istorija / History of science.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Autobiografijos; Georgas Adomas Forsteris (Georg Adam Forster); Laiškai; Lietuvos vyriausioji mokykla (Principal School of Lithuania); 18 amžius; Mokslo žinių sklaida; Vilniaus akademija (Vilnius Academy); Vokiečių mokslininkai; Autobiography; Correspondence; German scientists; History of Science in the 18th century; Knowledge dissemination; Letters.

ENThe paper examines the letters of Georg Forster (1754-1794), a German scientist and traveler who spent three years as a professor of natural history at Vilnius University. In a rich series of letters that Forster wrote between November 1784 and August 1787, he not only discussed the issues concerning his plans and teaching experiences but also commented critically on the functioning of both the Vilnius University and the local society. On the one hand, his correspondence offers a striking reminder of how European intellectuals of the period saw themselves and the world: Forster's great scientific and didactic ambitions were inseparable from the stereotypical perception of Poland-Lithuania as a supposedly "backward" region in terms of its social and cultural development. On the other hand, his reports from Vilnius reflect his loneliness, with this estrangement initially resulting from various difficulties that stemmed from cultural differences and conflicts, and later from a feeling of failure with related to knowledge dissemination. [From the publication]

2719-4361; 2353-8694
2022-03-26 16:39:16
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