[Holocaust education in Lithuania: community, conflict, and the making of civil society] : recenzija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Recenzija / Book review
Anglų kalba / English
[Holocaust education in Lithuania: community, conflict, and the making of civil society]: recenzija
In the Journal:
European education. 2018, Vol. 50, no. 4, p. 385-391
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antisemitizmas; Holokaustas; Holokaustas Lietuvoje; Stereotipai; Tautiniai atsiminimai; Švietimas apie holokaustą; Žydų įvaizdis; Anti-Semitism; Holocaust; Holocaust education; Holocaust in Lithuania; Image of Jews; National memories; Stereotypes.

ENThe Holocaust is a world legacy, but its heritage is often obfuscated by the construction of national memories and collective identities, particularly in Central-Eastern Europe where the Holocaust took place. Christine Beresniova’s book Holocaust Education in Lithuania: Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society, based on her primary qualitative research about the Holocaust in contemporary Lithuania, provides answers to some pertinent questions. One of them is, why, decades after the event, have so many countries—including the Baltic states, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and some in the Balkan region—still not come to terms with the Holocaust? Her book focuses on Lithuania using ethnographic methodology (i.e., interviews and participant observation during 2 years of field studies between 2011 and 2013, preceded by research beginning in 2007 and follow-up research in 2015) and includes studies of ielpndividuals and social agencies talking about Jews and the Holocaust in Lithuania. The author attended 203 events; 178 of these are included in her analysis. [Extract, p. 385]

2021-02-02 19:07:44
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