Apie ribinius antropologinius švietimo pagrindus

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Apie ribinius antropologinius švietimo pagrindus
Alternative Title:
On marginal anthropological fundamentals of education
In the Book:
Įvadas — Hesichazmo tradicija stačiatikybėje — Postmodernizmas — Hesichazmas ir pedagoginė praktika — Postmodernizmo įtaka pedagogikai — Grįžimas į ištakas ar pedagoginis kolapsas (pedagoginis subliūškimas)? — Apibendrinimas.
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Postmodernizmas / Postmodernism.
Summary / Abstract:

LTNagrinėjama dviejų visiškai priešingų pedagoginių sistemų, grindžiamų hesichazmu ir postmodernizmu, įtaka švietimui ir ugdymo procesui. Atskleista pasaulėžiūros skirtumų esmė hesichazmo ir postmodernizmo atvejais. Išanalizuoti pedagogikos antropologiniai pagrindai, kurie egzistuoja šiose sistemose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antropologija; Hesichazmas; Pedagogika; Postmodernizmas; Anthropology; Hesychasm; Pedagogy; Postmodernism.

ENPostmodernism focuses on the atomized rights' that set up education. To understand what pitfalls are enclosed in the metamorphosis of education, the authors consider implications of setting the goals of postmodernism. This is a radical change in the priorities of a human being. The focus on moral dignity and service to the motherland and society, which are inherent in traditional pedagogy, are replaced by the recognition of self-importance and self-sufficiency of an individual, as well as promotion of self-expression and self-assertion. However, researchers predict and experts confirm that such understanding of the objectives of education is caused by a surge of selfishness and the spread of anti-social behaviour. As a result, negative, deviant and anomic tendencies are increasing in the society. In addition, the absence of a significant Other makes any activity of a person meaningless. Theoreticians of contemporary postmodern culture mention such phenomena as 'identity crisis' and Toss of subjectivity' (Foucault, etc.) that in terms of education can be characterized as follows: a person's concentration on oneself results in the erosion of identity and loss of subjectivity. These processes are quite objective as man finds and recognizes him/herself in the space of a human community, and in the process of communication and relationships ('feedback') by the significant Other. Thus, the question arises: how can a person understand who s/he is and what s/he is? This way the presence of a paradoxical situation is ascertained: the emphasis on self-importance and self-sufficiency of the individual leads to its devaluation and degradation. Orthodox tradition teaches and leads to understanding of ourselves and communion with God, called Hesychasm. Hesychasm (from the Greek Hesychia 'quiet, silent') is a doctrine and act of entirety aimed at the acquisition of the Holy Spirit and the deification of the soul and body.The process of educations in hesychastic schools focuses on learning to lead a righteous life in the Church of Christ. The hesychastic tradition unites the inner spiritual experience of many generations of Orthodox Christians. Hesychasm emerged as a valid school of practical Christian anthropology. Educational influence of the hesychastic practice is based primarily on the fact that a student has an opportunity to see an example of man aspiring to the union with God, who, through prayerful dialogue, questioning and involvement in Sacred texts, reaches spiritual and moral perfection and thereby becomes capable of mentoring. [From the publication]

2021-02-02 19:07:31
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