Гуманист, полиглот, поэт Георг Зауэрвейн (Georg Sauerwein) и современность

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Rusų kalba / Russian
Гуманист, полиглот, поэт Георг Зауэрвейн (Georg Sauerwein) и современность
Alternative Title:
21st century relevance of Georg Sauerwein, 19th century humanist, language genius and poet
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Georgas Sauerweinas; Gimtoji kalba; Istorija ir dabartis; Istorija ir praeitis; Jurgis Zauerveinas; Literatūra; Mažoji Lietuva; Nacionalinis atgimimas; Poezija; Poliglotas; Tautinis atgimimas; Georg Sauerwein; History and present; Lithuania Minor; Lithuanian literature; Multi-linguist; National revival; Native language; Poetry.

ENGeorg Sauerwein is one of the most well-known persons of the Lithuanian national revival era at the end of the 19th century. He was actively involved in promoting communication and democratic relationships between European nations. Sauerwein was first known as one of the most famous multi-linguists in Europe and the entire world. It is stated that he knew between 60 and 200 languages, translated the Bible into some of those languages, and communicated with the leaders of many European countries. Sauerwein was also known across Europe as a defender of the languages and rights of small nations. He was one of the first to actively raise and advocate the idea of a European Union based on the principles of equality and freedom, and the respect for nations' and individuals' rights. At the end of the 19th century Georg Sauerwein lived in the Klaipėda region of Lithuania Minor for almost 25 years. There he supported and in all ways promoted the Lithuanian national revival, the preservation of language and the fostering of national culture. Georg Sauerwein's poetic creativity is of special significance to Lithuanian literature and culture. He authored the poem "Lietuvninkai mes esam gimę" ("We were born Lithuanian") which became the national anthem. His further contributions include poems about Lithuanian language, love and motherland, and the significant poem "Nemunyčiai" which depicts the historic destiny of the Lithuanian nation and is the greatest epic poem after K. Donelaitis' "Metai".Sauerwein's activities promoted the establishment of civil society, cultural organizations, associations and media at the end of the 19th century in Lithuania and greatly influenced the processes of national revival. In particular, he emphasized the importance of respect for and attention to Lithuanian language and culture as central to the nation's full-fledged existence. Today, in the age of globalization and unification, and amid the pressures of integration, Georg Sauerwein's ideas are extremely relevant. They speak to maintaining, protecting and fostering the identity and individuality of nations, languages, and individuals. Further, and more generally, Sauerwein addresses the importance of human spiritual matters alongside materialistic individual and societal concerns. [From the publication]

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2021-02-02 19:07:26
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