LTLietuvos sporto ir visuomenės veikėjas, nusipelnęs kūno kultūros ir sporto darbuotojas, socialinių mokslų daktaras docentas Artūras Poviliūnas monografijoje kompleksiškai analizuoja olimpinio judėjimo, olimpinių žaidynių ištakas, raidą ir dabarties iššūkius, išsamiai apžvelgia olimpinio sąjūdžio kelią, gilinasi į sporto specifiką, vertybes, požiūrių kaitą, tekusius išbandymus ir laimėjimus. Monografijoje gausu istorinės archyvinės medžiagos, pirmą kartą lietuvių kalba pateikiamų statistinių duomenų. Laikydamasis chronologinės tvarkos, vaizdingai ir temperamentingai aptaria tris Lietuvos olimpinio sąjūdžio etapus, kurie iš esmės sutampa su trimis Lietuvos gyvenimo laikotarpiais: nepriklausomos Lietuvos Respublikos (1918-1940), sovietmečio (1940-1988), Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio gimimo, Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo ir tęsiasi iki šių dienų (1988-2019), pateikia nemažai naujų duomenų, apibendrinamosios medžiagos, leidžiančios į sporto raidą pažvelgti šiuolaikiniu žvilgsniu. Knyga sudomins visus, kuriems rūpi sporto vertybės, istorija, ateis į talką smalsiam jaunimui, siekiančiam bendrų žinių apie sportą ir olimpizmą. Tai studija, traukianti skaitytojus savarankiškai mąstyti ir pažinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Olimpinės žaidynės; Olimpinių žaidynių tradicija; Sporto šakos; Sporto komandos; Čempionai; Olimpiniai medaliai; Lietuvos olimpinis komitetas; Sporto istorija; Olympic games; Tradition of Olympic games; Types of sports; Sports teams; Champions; Olympic medals; Lithuanian Olympic comittee; History of sports.
ENFor twelve centuries, the humanistic ideals of the ancient Greeks were testified to by the enormous influence of the ancient Olympic Games, a noble celebration of sports and arts that promotes the grace and beauty of the body and fosters the mind and spirit. Since antiquity, the Olympic Games have formed an important part of a common culture. Each epoch has had its view on human life, its way of appreciating the beauty of the body and the unity of the development of physical and mental abilities. Nowadays, Olympic sports have become a source of human culture and self-expression, one of the most important tools for health and lifestyle. Billions of television viewers watch the modern Olympic Games. The Internet and newspapers with circulations of many millions cover the events at the Olympic Games, while mass and specialised magazines report on and evaluate the Olympic Games and their results. The victories of Olympic athletes are not easily achieved, reminding us of the inexhaustible potential of an individual and, certainly, of a nation. Each Olympic athlete is a unique personality. Therefore, in addition to the processes and events, we focus our attention on the individuals who have dedicated their lives to sports. Olympic sports have become an integral part of science and culture. This phenomenon is a testimony to the greatness and beauty of the human, crowns the victory of good beginnings, highlights the importance of human values, and dignifies the spirit.This monograph analyses - from the historical perspective - the integral object of the concept of sports culture and scientific research, namely, the Olympic Games: their development, present, and prospects. Based on abundant archival sources, scientific literature and personal experience, the author discusses the development of international and Lithuanian Olympic sports, the contributions of coaches, athletes, organisers, scientists, the sporting achievements and milestones of sports science, the role of Olympic sports, and their socio-cultural aspect. The work presents an analysis of international Olympic sports, the historical aspects of the integration of the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee into the international Olympic Movement and related achievements allowing for an objective understanding and analysis of the phenomena of this activity. The path of revival brought enormous changes to our lives: the abandonment of a totalitarian system, the return to the Olympic family after 64 years of a forced break, the adoption of the European lifestyle, and the dawn of a new century and millennium. The work outlines memorable dates, results and events to help perceive the development of the Olympic sports phenomena in Lithuania and evaluate their changes from a historical perspective. In discussing the development of Olympic sports in Lithuania, the focus is placed on personalities who have not only reached heights in sports but have also displayed unique abilities, responsibility, discipline, patriotism, and morale. The example of athletes and organisers inspires respect for Olympic sports and helps to understand the cost of winning and losing. [Extract, p. 546-547]