LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo jėgos dalyvavimas; Darbo rinkos institucijos; Darbuotojų srautai; Darnusis turizmas; Gyvenimo ciklas; Lankytojų patirtys; Nedarbas; Tamsusis turizmas; Teminė analizė; Užimtumas; Dark tourism; Employment; Labor Force Participation; Labor Market Institutions; Life cycle; Sustainable tourism; Thematic analysis; Unemployment; Visitor experiences; Worker Flows.
ENWe use survey micro-data for 31 European countries, and estimate the life-cycle profiles of worker transition probabilities across employment, unemployment and nonparticipation. The estimated transition probabilities are then used to explain aggregate difference in employment rates between Lithuania and Europe. We show that the separations from employment is a key in understanding differences in labor market outcomes of both genders, and that demographics play a large negative role for Lithuanian employment rates. The results have important implications for economic policies that are discussed at the end of the analysis. [From the publication]