Bergsono intuicijos virsmų labirintuose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bergsono intuicijos virsmų labirintuose
Alternative Title:
Bergson: about the intuition
In the Book:
Gyvybinis polėkis / sudarytojas Antanas Andrijauskas. Vilnius : Versus aureus, 2008. P. 299-318, 478
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis skirtas Henri Bergsono veikaluose išplėtotai intuicijos sampratai aptarti. Kaip pagrindinis analizės objektas pasitelkiamas programinis filosofo veikalas „L‘evolution crėatrice“ („Kūrybinė evoliucija“, 1907), kuriame intuicija - ypatingas pažinimo būdas, išvaduojantis sąmonę iš intelekto valdžios. Intuityvus pažinimas čia skleidžiasi kaip dvilypis procesas: viena vertus, jis atriboja ir užslopina intelektą, kita vertus, atskleidžia, pažadina ir praturtina jį. Intuiciją ir intelektą sieja atvirkštinė priklausomybė: stiprėjant vienam, silpsta kitas, ir atvirkščiai. Tai reiškia, kad intuicija kaip dydis gali būti laipsniuojama. Kita vertus, intuicija reiškiasi kaip įžvalga to, kas tampa, kas laiko srautui suteikia vienybę, sulydydama visus jo turinius. Šalindama distancijas, intuicija įsiterpia į unikalią trukmę, realų, nesuerdvintą laiką ir per jį apdovanojama kūrybingumu, kurį galima pavadinti tiek kryptingos plėtotės potencija, tiek ir būtinu neužbaigtumu. Todėl tai - erdvinio/suskaidyto pasaulio vieningumą atstatanti galia, laikas, įveikiantis erdviškumą. Pokytis, kūryba, evoliucija - šie terminai ir nusako tuos turinius, kuriuos vienaip ar kitaip aktualizuoja intuicija. [Iš straipsnio, p. 299]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Henris Bergsonas (Henri Bergson); H. Bergsonas; Ilgalaikis; Instinktas; Intuicija; Kūrybinė evoliucija; Neklasikinė estetika; Trukmė; Bergson; Creative evolution; Duration; H. Bergson; Instinct; Intuition; Lasting; Non-classical aesthetics; Nonclassical aesthetics; The creative evolution.

ENThe article is dedicated to the discussion of the conception of intuition proposed by Bergson and analyses his work The creative evolution. An intuition within this work is represented as a way of cognition that emancipates the conscious from the intellectual power; this is a dual process; on the one part, it delimitates and kills the intellect, on the other hand, it fertilizes and enriches it. The intuition and the intellect are associated by way of the inverse dependence: while one intensifies, the other one falters and conversely. It means that an intuition as an extent can be graduated. At the same time the intuition is seeing of the material objects, of the objects those unites a flow fusing all its substances. Eliminating distances an intuition interjects into an unique lasting, into the real, nonduplicate time and through it is rewarded with creativity that can be named both as the potential of purposeful development and as essential completeness. Therefore it is the power renewing the solidity of dimensional/separated world, also the time that overcoming space. Variation, creativity, evolution- these terms are describing such the contents those are actualized by an intuition. Within the stages of an evolution non familiar with an intellect an intuition participates as an instinct- the limited “sleeping” power that is diverted towards practical activity. An intuition is able to function in full-fledged form only through the human conscious which is characterised as one that has defeated the consciousness. That means that an evolution isn’t implicitly beneficial in regard of the development of intuition; an intuition is developing only as the particular balance and as the secrete source of powers with regard to intellect; in all other cases, its development has stacked in the form of an instinct.And even there where an evolution is opportune with regard to the development of an evolution - in the stage of an evolution occupied by human- any sally of an intuition is implemented with material “weights” on feet; as such it requires an exclusive endeavour and therefore it can be only short-termed. [From the publication]

2021-03-21 13:22:34
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