Gyvūnai baltų pasaulėjautoje: žuvys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Gyvūnai baltų pasaulėjautoje: žuvys
Alternative Title:
Animals in the emotional attitude of the Balts: fish
In the Book:
Simbolis Lietuvos kultūroje / sudarytoja Elvyra Usačiovaitė. Vilnius : Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2019. P. 74-96
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis XVI-XVII a. rašytiniais šaltiniais, kuriuose aprašyti lietuvių ir prūsų ritualai; XIX a. pabaigos - XX a. pirmosios pusės tautosaka, papročiais, tikėjimais, taip pat kitų tautų ritualų, papročių ir tikėjimų pavyzdžiais, analizuojama žuvies mitologema; aptariama šios mitologemos refleksijos XX a. antrosios pusės - XXI a. kultūroje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mitologija; Papročiai; Ritualas; Tautosaka; Žuvis; Customs; Fish; Folklore; Mythology; Ritual.

ENThe article analyses written sources of the 16th-17th century, which provide knowledge of the offerings made by Lithuanians and Prussians; folklore, customs, creeds, as well as rituals, customs and creeds of other nations at the end of the 19th - in the first half of the 20th century in which mythologem of fish manifests itself in one or another form; discusses reflections of this mythologem in Lithuanian culture in the second half of the 20th-21st century. It can be stated that due to its natural features - life in water, stillness (a human ear does not hear the sounds produced by fish), a great reproductive ability the fish occupies a prominent place in the above-mentioned emotional attitude. Water, as has been observed by many researchers, is ambivalent; lines of both life and death are manifested through it. The same ambivalence is characteristic of fish. Therefore they can also symbolize life, death and the rebirth. Symbolics of fish in folklore, customs, creeds, phraseology, interpretations of dreams of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century is syncretic - the influence of both the pre-Christian period and Christianity are easily recognized and differentiated. At the end of the 20th - the 21st century symbolics of fish was best preserved in heraldry - in the newly created and approved coats-of-arms of cities and towns. At the end of the 20th - the 21st century fish festivals were revived and are become ever more popular in the towns and cities situated on the sea-coast and near the larger rivers. [From the publication]

2024-08-12 16:44:24
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