Klaipėdos rajono gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaita trumpuoju laikotarpiu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos rajono gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaita trumpuoju laikotarpiu
Alternative Title:
Change of Klaipėda district residents attitude and experience of facing coruption in short time period
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2019, Nr. 3 (29), p. 108-121
Summary / Abstract:

LTNacionaliniai statistiniai tyrimai atskleidžia, kad miestų ir rajonų savivaldybės laikomos vienos labiausiai korumpuotų institucijų Lietuvoje. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2016 m. ir 2018 m. Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybėje atlikto kartotinio tyrimo rezultatai, leidžiantys įvertinti gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaitą, gyventojų požiūrį į savivaldybėje taikomas korupcijos prevencijos priemones. Ištirta, kad gyventojai korupciją suvokia labiau neigiamai ir rečiau susidūrė su įvairiomis korupcinės veiklos formomis. Apklaustųjų nuomone, korupcija labiausiai paplitusi medicinos įstaigose, savivaldybės administracijoje ir jos padaliniuose bei žemėtvarkoje. 2018 m. buvo gerokai mažiau teigusiųjų, kad davė kyšius skirtingiems asmenims: medicinos darbuotojui, pareigūnui, valstybės tarnautojui. Apklaustieji mano, kad veiksmingiausia kovos su korupcija priemonė yra bausmės korupcinę veiklą vykdžiusiems asmenims neišvengiamumas bei korupcijos atvejų viešinimas spaudoje, TV ir kitomis priemonėmis. Vis dėlto daugiau nei pusė apklaustųjų, susidūrę su korupcijos atveju, niekur nieko nepraneštų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gyventojų požiūris; Kkrupcijos prevencija; Korupcija; Korupcijos prevencija; Savivaldybės; Corruption; Local governance; Prevention of corruption; Residents attitude.

ENCorruption is generally defined as the abuse of public power for private gain. National statistical surveys reveal that municipalities of towns and districts are assumed to be some of the mostly corruptioned institutions in Lithuania. According to studies data, the corruption in municipalities is affected by nepotism, politicization and conflicts of interest. However, it is appropriate to monitor the corruption situation more precisely in a particular municipality. Therefore, this article presents a continuous research of resident’s attitude towards corruption and experience of corruption while living and working in Klaipeda district municipality. The continuous research, which allowed to evaluate the change of residents’ perception and experience of corruption, attitude towards applied corruption prevention measures was carried out in Klaipeda District Municipality in 2016 and 2018 years. Klaipeda district residents’ questionnaire, using a pre-prepared standardized questionnaire, which was composed referring scientific literature and legal regulation documents analysis and recommendations of Klaipeda District Municipality. 137 respondents participated in 2016 year survey and 147 residents filled in questionnaires in 2018. While analyzing the change in residents’ attitude it was noticed that people are percept corruption more negatively: the share of residents who disagree with the statement that “corruption is justified, because it is hard to find other solutions”, increased as in 20 percentage points. The population is aware of the harm caused by corruption and less justify corruption as a problem-solving tool. Exaggerated bureaucracy and lack of civil activity are identified as the main causes of prevalence of corruption. According to the opinion of residents the corruption is most prevalent in medical institutions, municipal administration and its departments and land management.It can be indicated that slightly fewer respondents faced with various forms of corrupt practices in 2018 year if comparing the results of 2016 year and 2018 year surveys. However, respondents more frequently noticed falsification of documents or measuring instruments and protectionism of civil servants relatives (nepotism). The analysis of changes areas where corruption is most prevalent in year 2018 there were much less respondents who said that they have given bribes to medical personnel, officials and civil servants. The decrease of cases of bribe giving in different institutions of Klaipeda district municipality can be indicated while comparing data of surveys implemented in 2016 and 2018. These data suggest that there is significant downward trend of corruption in different forms in different areas. However, respondents’ comments suggest that part of the person offering the bribe still perceive it as a “gift” and “gratefulness” and not as a criminal activity. The comparison of the results of surveys implemented in 2016 and 2018 reveals that less evidence the circumstances in which respondents decides to give a bribe. Positive developments can be identified while monitoring municipalities environment: public service providers and other residents less influence others solutions to give bribes, less give bribes. The number of persons, who have the decision not to give bribes in the future is increasing.The respondents believe that the most effective anti-corruption means is the inevitable punishment of persons for pursued corruption, publicity of corruption acts in the press, on TV and other media. It should be noted that according the respondents opinion the least effective means are tools of electronic government. This suggests that people do not realize the benefit of transfer of public institutions services in the electronic area or expect their illegal dealing with their issues / problems. However, most share of respondents have used such advantages e. government tools: increased access to health care (information on the website, electronic registration and so on); publicly available information about free healthcare and so on. Also, a lot of respondents noticed published reports, which are encouraging residents to report corruption-related offenses as well as information on the possible ways of communication and public information about free healthcare services. According to the survey data, Klaipėda district municipalities’ residents exactly know different institutions where they can report the corruption incidents. However, in general, more than half of the respondents in the face of corruption would report nothing and nowhere. Such results identify that residents would be passive and not take any active remedies, although themselves they believe that the most effective anti-corruption means are the inevitability of punishment and publicity of corruption. [From the publication]

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