Karininko Jono Variakojo tarnyba Lietuvos kariuomenėje XX a. trečiame dešimtmetyj

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Karininko Jono Variakojo tarnyba Lietuvos kariuomenėje XX a. trečiame dešimtmetyj
Alternative Title:
Service of the officer Jonas Variakojis in the Lithuanian Army in the 1920s
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti km. J. Variakojo tarnybinę veiklą Lietuvos kariuomenėje, atsižvelgiant į karininko tarnybines pareigas, įgytus laipsnius ir karinį išsilavinimą bei gautus apdovanojimus. Nesistengiama atrasti istoriografijoje nežinomų karininko tarnybos faktų, jie jau yra išsamiai išaiškinti. Šiuo straipsniu siekiama įamžinti nusipelniusio Panevėžio kraštui ir visai Lietuvai karo vado atminimą. [Iš straipsnio, p. 121]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jonas Variakojis; Lietuvių karių sąjunga; Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės kovos; Lietuvos kariuomenė; Jonas Variakojis; Lithuanian Independence Struggle; Lithuanian Soldiers' Union; Lithuanian army.

ENLithuanian military officer J. Variakojis served eight years in the army. He brough together troops and led them in military operations defending from the enemies of the Lithuanian state sovereignty, later he carried out administrative and organizational work for the army training and developing. J. Variakojis had the leader features: courage, intellectual thinking and assertiveness, these features helped him to pursuit the military career. J. Variakojis started the service in the Lithuanian Army from the lowest grade - the senior Lieutenant, he finished his service from it as Lieutenant Colonel. His rise in the system of officers hierarchy facilitated the service experience obtained in Independence Battles, for which he received awards and gained the exemplary features of the character. J. Variakojis acquired practical and theoretical military knowledge before the service in Lithuanian Army. He could apply and deepen this knowledge participating in the military operations. The degree of actual military education was given to him only after the completion of the High Officers Course. J. Variakojis service in the Lithuanian Army was assessed as honestly performed and therefore the most important state awards were given to him. [From the publication]

2021-03-21 13:22:30
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