Asmenybės tapsmo problema Kierkegaardo ir Nietzsches filosofijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Asmenybės tapsmo problema Kierkegaardo ir Nietzsches filosofijoje
Alternative Title:
Problem of the person’s spiritual improvement in Kiekegaard’s and Nietzsche’s philosophy
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio tikslas - lyginamuoju aspektu išnagrinėti Kierkegaar- do ir Nietzsches įžvelgtus žmogaus asmenybės vidinio tobulėjimo lygmenis, palyginti Kierkegaardo ir Nietzsches tobulos asmenybės idealus - aptarti, kuo skiriasi Nietzsches Antžmogio ir Kierkeggardo Tikėjimo riterio idealai bei pagrindinės vertybinės nuostatos. [Iš straipsnio, p. 59]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmenybė; Egzistencializmas; Egzistencija; Kierkegaardas; Kierkegaardas, Sorenas; Nietzsche; Nietzsche, Friedrichas; Tapsmas; Tikėjimo paradoksas; Valia; Valia galiai; Becoming; Existence; Existentialism; Kierkegaard; Kierkegaard, Soren; Nietzsche; Nietzsche, Friedrich; Person; Personality; The paradox of faith; Will; Will to power.

ENOne of the main problems in Kierkegaard’s and Nietzsche’s philosophy is the person’s spiritual improvement and his inner choice. Kierkegaard reveals tfie formation of personality by existential stages: aesthetic, ethical and religious. The lowest one is aesthetic. It gives sense to wonderful world of beauty and pleasure. Higher stage of person’s existence is ethical. It stimulates to lean upon the principles of morality and obligation. The religious stage is the highest one, as the man comes nearer to God by paradoxical belief and he perceives God as the true sense of existence. Nietzsche reveals the formation of personality by three transformations of Will- the images of camel, lion and child. The first stage of Will symbolizes the Christian values, which are out of date and enthrall the person’s will. A person should win his freedom to realize his abilities and then he goes to the next higher stage of Will. The last stage requires creation and assertion of life. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche create two heroes, who embody the top of person’s improvement. Kierkegaard creates Abram, who is the knight of Belief. Nietzsche creates a Superman. Both heroes are very lonely and create themselves by overcoming universality. [Extract, p. 314]

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