Данные к реконструкции балто-славянского похоронного обряда: кашуб. donota "молоко" (лексико-семантические параллели балто-славянского ареала)

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Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Данные к реконструкции балто-славянского похоронного обряда: кашуб. donota "молоко" (лексико-семантические параллели балто-славянского ареала)
Alternative Title:
Data to reconstruction of the Baltic-Slavic funeral ceremony: Kashubian donota "milk" (Baltic and Slavic lexical equivalents)
In the Journal:
Studia mythologica Slavica. 2012, 15, p. 217-230
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltai; Indo-europiečių religija ir mitologija; Indoeuropiečių laidotuvių tradicija; Kašubai; Kašubų donota (pienas); Kašubų peslio galvos nukirtimo apeigos; Laidosena; Nekrokultas; Prūsų laidojimo tradicija; Slavai; Tautosaka; Balts; Burial rites; Folklore; Indo-European exequies tradition; Indo-European religion and mythology; Kashubian; Kashubian donota (pienas); Kashubian rite of the beheaded kite; Necrocult; Prussian departed dead-office; Slavs.

ENThe article investigates the Kashubian rite of the beheaded kite and the Prussian departed dead-office description presented in P. Orosius Historiae adversum paganos relation of Wulfstan. Also the work presents an etymological analysis of the Kashubian donota "milk" and its possible Baltic and Slavic lexical equivalents: Pruss. dadan "milk", toponym West Slav. Dadowe. In the light of the evidence adduced, the following conclusions are submitted: 1) kashub. donota *"milk" <*do-j(e)-n-ota "ditto" (archaic) Pol. dojny "ditto", Pol. dojny "(archaic) in milk; milch"; 2) Pruss. dadan is a loanword from West Slavic: subst. West Slav. *doja "milk" [Pruss. *dogā [with a shift of -i˘- to -g- (non graphic, but phonetic variation!)] >Pruss. *dodā (with a shift of -gto -d- according to the rule of consonantal synharmonism) >Pruss. dadan (with a shift of Slav. -о- to Pruss. (E) -а- and -an by the analogy of Pruss. *peinan "milk"); 3) folklore motive "pjic … Kobĕ´lim donotę" reflects the common dead-office tradition of the Indo-European peoples; 4) The Kashubian rite of the beheaded kite and the Prussian departed dead-office description presented in P. Orosius Historiae adversum paganos relation of Wulfstan refl ects authentic information on the very early Baltic and Slavic culture period, and also presupposes tendencies of a common necrocult and the existence of an unified Indo-European exequies tradition. [From the publication]

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