LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Finansinė padėtis; Klasterinė analizė; Senyvi (pagyvenę) žmonės; Pagyvenę namų ūkiai; Skurdo rizika; Vidurio ir Rytų Europa; Central and Eastern Europe; Cluster analysis; Elderly households; Financial standing; Poverty risk.
ENThe purpose of the paper is to analyse and evaluate the financial situation of elderly households in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Current demographic trends simultaneously with reforms of pension systems in the CEE region may lead to an increasing number of elderly households being exposed to poverty risk. In this study, Ward’s method and the method of standardised sums were applied to classify and order the examined countries according to the financial standing of elderly households. The obtained results allow us to identify countries with similar financial situations for elderly households in 2007, 2010 and 2013, and changes in clusters and ranking over the analysed period. The main findings show that the financial situation of the elderly in CEE countries is very differentiated and changeable, however over the analysed period the financial standing of the elderly seems to be most similar in Poland and Slovakia as well as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. [From the publication]