LTMonografija parašyta daktaro disertacijos pagrindu. Tyrimui naudotasi senaisiais raštais, žymiausių lietuvių kalbininkų J. Jablonskio, K. Būgos, J. Balčikonio ir kt. darbais, stilistų knygomis, lingvistinės lietuvių stilistikos tyrėjų J. Pikčilingio, K. Župerkos, J. Barauskaitės ir kt. darbais ir straipsniais. Knygoje atsiskleidžia visas stilistikos mokslo ir jo mokymo sudėtingumas, idėjų ir nuomonių įvairovė, brėžiamos ateities tyrimų gairės. Knyga pirmiausia skiriama stilistikos ir kalbos kultūros specialistams, dėstytojams, taip pat lietuvių kalbos mokytojams. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kalba; Stilius; Tyrimai; Istorija; Language; Style; Research; History.
EN1. Charles Bally in his treatise "Tratte de stylistique franęaise" (1909) distinguished, for the first time, synchronous linguistic branch - linguistic stylistic - and defined its investigative object-emotional expression of language system elements. Bally is referred to as an originator of language unit (source) stylistic - one of trends in linguistic stylistics. In 1920-1930s Prague functional structuralism school (V. Mathesius, Bohuslav Havränek, Jan Mukarovsky, Roman Jakobson et al.) substantiated the theory of language functionality. Prague linguists developed concept of function by approaching the language as a functional system dividing into several functional "languages", which later were called functional styles. Basic idea of the Prague stylistic theory is to distinguish objective style as an opposite to individual style. Both 20th century linguistic stylistics trends - language units (sources, levels, means, descriptive, and structural) stylistics and functional stylistics-were developed by Lithuanian linguostylists from 1930s (Petras Jonikas, Pranas Skardžius), and especially in 1960s-1980s (Juozas Pikčilingis, Audronė Bitinienė, Kazimieras R. Župerka et al.). 2. The pioneering editors of works published in Lithuanian, fighting for a good style, made conscious efforts to develop native language by urging authors to seek for purity, flexibility, richness, figurativeness, and suggestiveness in their writings. The base of a good style was thought to be correctness of the language. All this was also important for 20th century normative stylistics (Jonas Jablonskis, Juozas Balčikonis). Balčikonis is Lithuanian liguist who most consistently following the Jablonskis' stylistic principle applied in normalisation of standart language (the foundation of good style is living language).Good style requirements - correctness, vivacity, accuracy, clearness and suggestiveness - expressed by Balčikonis are very important for development of normative stylistics. Stylish language requirements, coming from ancient rhetoric, were applied as a basis for creating national style culture. Works done by Motiejus Gustaitis, Kazys Bizauskas and Juozas Ambrazevičius make a significant contribution into linguistic stylistics theory and emphasized style culture issues. Formation of functional styles in written standard language in 1930s, such as artistic, scientific, publicistic and office styles, enabled prominent linguists of that time - Skardžius and Jonikas to raise the idea about necessity to carry on investigations on Lithuanian language style, as well as outline the strategy, tactics and objectives of such studies. 3. Linguistic stylistics studies done in 1970s-1990s by Pikčilingis and his disciples (Župerka, Bitinienė, Abaravičius et al.) embraced the following problems: (a) style culture, (b) typology of functional styles, (c) investigation of Lithuanian vocabulary in regard to expressive style, (d) text stylistics, (e) competition of Lithuanian language means, (f) statistical stylistics, (g) didactics of stylistics, and (h) comparative stylistics. Artistic style was studied by Abaravičius in the aspect of communicative affectedness. Valentas applied modern methods to analyse linguistic processes in poetic texts; he focused on a poem "Anykščių šilelis" by Antanas Baranauskas, and linguistic experiments performed by a vanguard poet group "Keturi vėjai"; he stressed the significance of the word in the Indo-European culture. In a subtle way Barauskaitė analyses of short stories and goes deep into stylistic characteristics of the texts, relations of units creating a sense and hierarchy; she highlights relationships between a word and a whole text.Regina Koženiauskienė in her monograph "Retorika. Iškalbos stilistika" ["Rhetoric. Eloquence Stylistics"] (1999) analyses relations between rhetoric and stylistics; rhetoric is presented as a style culture science in the broadest sense. Concept of rhetoric is widened so that it comprises both stylistics and language culture. She also tries to substantiate oratorical style as an independent functional style. Relationship between rhetoric and stylistics is also studied by Irena Smetonienė. She analyses in her doctoral dissertation the place of advertisements in a system of functional styles and their interaction with the functional styles of standard language. [From the publication]