Naujadarų funkcionavimas Birutės Jonuškaitės kūriniuose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujadarų funkcionavimas Birutės Jonuškaitės kūriniuose
Alternative Title:
Functioning of neologisms in the fiction by Birutė Jonuškaitė
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2019, P. 281-291
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dariniai; Darybinė reikšmė; Grožinė literatūra; Leksinė reikšmė; Naujadarai; Naujadaras; Potenciniai dariniai; Sinonimas; Stiliaus figura; Stilistinė figūra; (potential) derivative; Derivative meaning; Fiction; Figure; Lexical meaning; Neologism; Stylistic; Stylistic figure; Synonym.

ENNew coinages or neologisms are usually found in every writerís works; unusual vocabulary units that are not included in dictionaries are often one of the peculiar features of the writerís individual style. Neologisms are considered to be words not included in Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language, Dictionary of Modern Lithuanian, list of Dictionary of Standard Lithuanian, DigitalSupplement Card File of Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language, and The Database of Lithuanian Neologisms. The present article discusses the formation, semantics, and usage of neologisms in Birutė Jonuškaitė's works of fiction collected in books "Kregždėlaiškis", "Baltų užtrauktukų tango", "Užsagstyk mane", and "Maranta". Having analysed 45 neologisms (24 nouns, 10 adjectives, 7 verbs, and 4 adverbs) found in the writerís four books, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Birutė Jonuškaitė basically uses the systematic (common) vocabulary of the Lithuanian language: in the works collected in four books relatively few neologisms were found, half of which (53 per cent) were nouns. 2. The majority of neologisms (83 per cent) are based on words fixed in dictionaries; 17 per cent of neologisms were formed using potential (implied) base words. 3. All neologisms were formed according to the existing types of word formation using the common word formation means of the Lithuanian language; some neologisms were formed by analogy with the common Lithuanian coinages. Higher proportion of neologisms is considered to be potential coinages. 4. Even without context the meaning of neologisms was clear when their lexical meaning coincided essentially with the derivational meaning and when together with neologisms the words of the same root (often base words) were used. The meaning of all neologisms, even of those whose lexical meaning did not coincide with derivational meaning became clear in the sentence or (rarely) in a larger context.5. Frequently neologisms functioned as text cohesion devices, they were used for economy (as synonyms of word combinations), to emphasise, to specify, to avoid repetition, to draw attention of the addressee. 6. The neologisms "suteptinis", skylasamtis were used as synonyms of "sumuštinis", "kiaurasamtis" which are systematic lexical units of the Lithuanian language. A pair of derivational synonyms is presented by the neologisms "didžiakrūtė" and "pilnakrūtė". 7. The Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language does not provide the usage examples of 28 neologisms (i.e. 62 per cent of the total number). Some of the neologisms are considered to be derivational figures: they are unusual, individual, created by the writer herself (and maybe used singly in the respective work). 8. Occasionally neologisms were included in various stylistic figures: all newly created adjectives and some verbs (participles) functioned as informative, common, or metaphoric epithets; adverbs were used as hidden comparisons, sometimes as personifications. 9. In dictionaries the words "didžiakrūtė", "pilnakrūtė", "kreivokšlis, -ė" should be marked as adjectives as they are used as adjectives not only in the works of B. Jonuškaitė but also in some examples provided in The Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language. [From the publication]

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