Lietuvių liaudies dainų kvazileksinių refrenų ypatumai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių liaudies dainų kvazileksinių refrenų ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Quasi-Lexical refrains in Lithuanian folksongs
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2019, P. 274-280
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dialektizmas; Kvazileksiniai refrenai; Kvazileksinis refrenas; Liaudies dainos; Motyvuotas kvazileksinis refrenas; Motyvuoti kvazileksiniai refrenai; Nemotyvuotas kvazileksinis refrenas; Nemotyvuoti kvazileksiniai refrenai; Tarmiški žodžiai; Dialectal word; Dialectal words; Folk songs; Folksongs; Motivated quasi-lexical refrains; Quasi-lexical refrains; Unmotivated quasi-lexical refrains; Unmotivatedquasi-lexical refrains.

ENQuasi-lexical refrains are those that possess properties of a word. In the texts of the Lithuanian Folk Songbook, the meaning of this type of refrains relates to the meaning of the text of the song itself. These refrains split into two subgroups: motivated quasi-lexical refrains and unmotivated quasi-lexical refrains. Songs often include original new coinagesformed by distorting words of a specific meaning. The function of quasi-lexical refrains is often performed by dialectisms, abbreviated word forms, addresses. Quasi-lexical refrains make up 8.5 per cent of all refrains within the subject material. Sometimes associations help us easily define the word to which a motivated quasi-lexical refrain is related, in other words, to define the word from which a refrain isderived, i.e. ievar (jovaras), lelijėlo (lelijėlė), dobilio (dobilas), sesiul (sesuo), panaičiok (ponaitis), etc. In the texts of the Lithuanian Folk Songbook, the meaning of this type of refrains is related to the meaning of the respective song. Dialectal words, clipped word forms, addresses, which are close to onomatopoeic words, often perform the function of quasi-lexical refrains. [From the publication]

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