Šiuolaikinių žaliųjų erdvių formavimo tendencijos istorinių parkų kontekste

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šiuolaikinių žaliųjų erdvių formavimo tendencijos istorinių parkų kontekste
Alternative Title:
Trends of modern formation of green spaces in the context of historical parks
In the Journal:
Miestų želdynų formavimas [Formation of urban green areas]. 2012, Nr. 1 (9), p. 108-115
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos miesto viešųjų erdvių projektavimo aktualijos. Analizuojama Lietuvos ir užsienio literatūra miesto viešųjų erdvių projektavimo klausimais, trumpai apžvelgiama miestų architektūros ir sodo menų stilių raida bei šiuolaikinės architektūros ir kraštovaizdžio dizaino tendencijos. Šiandien Lietuvoje įstatymas viešąsias erdves apibrėžia kaip „bendro naudojimo teritoriją: žemės sklypai, kuriuose yra arba numatoma įrengti aikštes, parkus, skverus ir kitus želdynus“. Kiekvienu laikotarpiu socialinėje visuomenėje naujoms kultūroms, stiliams didelę įtaką darė naujos technologijos, moksliniai atradimai, ekonominių, socialinių pokyčių dinamika. Tradicinė miesto viešųjų erdvių sistema nuolat kinta kokybiniu, struktūriniu, ir kiekio požiūriu. Formuojantis ir plintant miestui ji tampa sudėtingesnė, polifunkciška ir daugiasluoksnė. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kraštovaizdžio architektūra; Kraštovaizdžio dizainas; Meno stiliai; Miestas; Miesto viešoji erdvė; Parkai; Viešoji erdvė; Art styles; Artistic styles; City; Landscape architecture; Landscape design; Park; Public space; Urban public space.

ENCreating the environment from ancient times until today is seen as formation of aesthetic and emotional state of human. Gardens and parks were created using a wide variety of compositional tools and techniques that are used today. Most of historic gardens art compositional measures became as chrestomathic and well-known, such as Italian, Japanese, Dutch garden or French, English park. From the Ancient cultural aesthetics concept, the first principles of the formation of public spaces were laid. These principles have been evolved and changed influenced by social, economic and political factors. The most prominent environmental design, garden design and fashion trends emerged in Baroque period and strongly influenced the whole culture of the European landscape. In the 18th century it was established in the free style plan parks, while Baroque regularity and architectonism were changed by irregularity and plasticity. For the free plan of park it is completely uncharacteristic the geometric structure, the axial symmetry, straight lines and rows of planting trees – their place is occupied by the irregularity of spatial formants, the asymmetry of decorative park elements layout, plasticity of line that imitate the natural landscape. In the 20th century it was search of compositional expression of green plantations starting from eclecticism (the use of old styles) and mannerisms (the interpretation of old style) to modern (search of completely new stylistics) and postmodernism (the synthesis of new stylistics and historicism), but this age can not be described as epoch-making style as Modern Garden art is an entirety of individual styles of many authors.Today's formation of public space trends are influenced not only by socio-economic factors but as well by new technologies and an even a greater variety of performance such as ecological, recreational, attractive, cognitive and information. These factors influence the new opportunities and ways to search for compositional solutions. Their mission is one of the main features of modern design. Variety depends on the mission of use of technology, substance and durability. Thus, new compositional, functional and technological solutions are being appeared. For a harmonious environment, serving functional human recreational purposes, it is important to be able to use not only the composition of constituent elements, but they need to be adapted to modern architecture. Landscape architecture as a formation of the environment area includes the natural and urban spatial planning and all types of greenery, open spaces and buildings design. Developers of these days can effectively apply the historic garden art styles and forms of composite measures to green plantations concrete compositions, which would diversify natural environmental palette. [From the publication]

1822-9778; 2029-4549
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