Prasmės konstravimo principų kaita šiuolaikiniame Lietuvos teatre

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prasmės konstravimo principų kaita šiuolaikiniame Lietuvos teatre
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Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami nauji teatrinės komunikacijos būdai, atsirandantys šiuolaikiniame Lietuvos teatre. Pakitę prasmės konstravimo/suvokimo principai nagrinėjami postmodernios estetikos kontekste, atskleidžiamos teorinės šios kaitos prielaidos ir praktinės problemos. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe object of this research is the emerging strategies of communication that subvert the traditional sense of meaning and perception in contemporary Lithuanian theatre. These new developments are conceptualised in the framework of post-modern and post-structural theory, in particular the post-structural critique of sign, representation and subject. The constancy of the text and the homogeneity of the audience that interprets it are two central assumptions on which traditional literary theatre is based. During the last decades the situation has changed, as visuality as a means of theatrical expression has become more and more important in contemporary Lithuanian theatre, replacing the traditionally dominant position of the text in a production. By subverting, fragmenting, (re)constructing the structural elements (narrative, visual, aural) of performance, the director strives for active communication and aims to challenge traditional modes of perception, by forcing the spectator to create the meaning for himself/herself. Typically post-modern formations of meaning and perception (visuality/textuality; disassociation of theatrical elements and intertextuality), present in contemporary Lithuanian productions are analysed in this article. [From the publication]

2020-07-28 20:26:24
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