Lietuvių kalbos subjekto kategorizacijos raida XIX a. pabaigoje ir XX a. (posesyviniai junginiai ir nominatyvus cum infinitivo)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių kalbos subjekto kategorizacijos raida XIX a. pabaigoje ir XX a. (posesyviniai junginiai ir nominatyvus cum infinitivo)
Alternative Title:
Subject category evoliucion in the Lithuanian language at the end of XIXth c. and the beginning of XXth c. (verbal possessive constructions and nominativus cum infinitivo)
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2003, P. 169-177. (Zinātnisko rakstu krājums ; 13)
Summary / Abstract:

LTDabartinės lietuvių kalbos sintaksės tyrėjai yra atkreipę dėmesį į konstrukcijas, kurių tiesioginis objektas “varžosi su veiksniu dėl pozicijos šalia tarinio ir dėl vietos sakinyje”. Toks reiškinys būdingas pasyvinėms konstrukcijoms, kurių “objektas pakyla į subjekto vietą, perima jo raišką ir funkciją” (Labutis 1998, 266). Dėl tokios tiesioginio objekto/subjekto raiškos įvairių samprotavimų yra išsakę ir ankstesni lietuvių kalbos sintaksės tyrėjai. Antai Juozas Balčikonis akcentavo šio kalbos reiškinio psichologinį aspektą: esama tokių gramatinių dalių, kurios, būdamos tam tikros sakinio dalys, dar nurodo ir santykį su kitomis sakinio dalimis. Iki šiol diskutuotiniems ir tebetirtiniems sintaksiniams reiškiniams priklausytų nominatīvus cum infinitīvo ir posesyvumo raiška datyvo su veiksmažodžiu būti konstrukcijomis, dėl kurių subjekto ir objekto skyrimo kalbininkų nuomonės vis dar nėra tvirtos: svyruoja arba nesutampa. [Iš straipsnio, p. 169]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė gramatika; Kalbos istorija, objekto ir subjekto raiška; Nominativus cum infinitivo; Posesyviniai junginiai; Sintaksė; Subjekto kategorija; Expression of object and subject; Historical grammar; History of language; Nominativus cum infinitivo; Subject category; Syntax; Syntaxis; Verbal possessive constructions.

ENIn this article some aspects of subject category evolution of Lithuanian language at the end of XIXth and the beginning of XXth c. have been discussed. The article lias been formed of two parts. In the first part of this article the author has discused a usage of syntactical construction nominatīvus cum infinitivum in the spoken language at the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth c. The author uses examples from Jonas Basanavičius published fairy tales (6 books) Three different kinds constructions have been discussed: 1. N/Acc + Verbum + Inf. 2. Verbum + N/Acc + Inf. 3. Verbum + Inf. + N/Acc The author bases his work on the facts of the fairy tales and makes a conclusion, that the changeof syntactical construction nominatīvus cum infinitivum to accusativus cum infinitīvus in the junction of centuries comes true for the process of articalization and the usage of the atribute with the nominativum of noun. An expression of subject was changing in an expression of object. The other problem wich has been discussed by the author - an expression of possessive dativum + esse and nominativum + habere. The Standard Latvian has generalized dativum + esse to express the posession and the Standard Lithuanian to express the same situacion - nominativum + habere. But now for the Lithuanian language the transitional status from E-languages to H- languages has been recognized.Lithuanian old texs, the dictionaries of dialects and subdialects, the material of the dictionary of the Lithuanian language (19 volume) grounded a mind, that an expression of possesive by dativus + esse has been used in the North, East, South Lithuania and in the areas of the ethnic of the Baltic languages (now Byelorussia). An expression of possesive D + esse in the North Lithuania are vivid. The author thinks, that Standard Lithuanian does not completely coincide with the systems of Lithuanian dialects and subdialects. That's why an expression dativus + esse is used not only in the discourse, but at the belles - lettres (P. Širvys, V.Mykolaitis-Putinas, Vaižgantas. J.Biliūnas. P.Cvirka, A.Vienuolis). The author has mades a conclusion, that in the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth c. there was a break in the Lithuanian language sintaxsis: it began to differentiate an expression of subject and object. This process took place in the languages of West Europe too. Why is nominatīvus cum infinitivum and possesive has remained in the Lithuanian language, it should become clearer, the author supposes only then, when a separate sisteme of dialects or subdialects is described and investigated. These phenomenons of syntax differ noticeably from the West Lithuanian language on which bases Standard Lithuanian has been created. [From the publication]

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2020-12-17 20:25:58
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