LTUrbanizuotų teritorijų drieka kelia vertingų kaimo aplinkos reliktų sunykimo grėsmę. Ši problema leido suformuluoti straipsnio tikslą – sudaryti koncepcines kaimo aplinkos reliktų integracijos miesto plėtroje gaires. Gairės remiasi šiuolaikinėmis paveldo vadybos idėjomis, paveldo konfliktų valdymo, dilemos sutaikymo idėjomis ir ekomuziejaus koncepcija ir apima socialinių procesų charakterio ir sklaidos valdymo, urbanistinių ir architektūrinių inovacijų kiekio ir kokybės valdymo kaimo aplinkos reliktuose rekomendacijas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kaimo aplinkos reliktai; Miestų plėtra; Nekilnojamasis kultūros paveldas; Priemiestinės teritorijos; Built heritage; Immovable heritage; Relics of the rural environment; Relicts of the rural environment; Suburban areas; Urban development.
ENThe migration of the people from rural to urban areas and the ongoing urban sprawl changed not only the traditional agriculture, but the main features and functions of rural areas and the surrounding environment. In the recent decades, the agricultural areas more and more often are occupied by the residential, industrial, commercial, infrastructure and other objects. Clear social, functional and aesthetic boundaries between the urban and rural areas are rapidly declining and the authentic rural environment in communal and cultural sense is vanishing at the same time. Such a rapid spread of urban areas to suburbs pose an extinction threat for the present relics of rural environment, such as villages, fragments of individual farms houses, manor houses and folwarks, individual historic buildings with historic cultural, recreational, ecological and other values. Changes of functions of territories, changes of communication system, the shifts of ecological stability, the changes of visual environment, the indifference of the society towards protection of the rural relics and their environment are the main issues why rural environmental conservation and the use of rural environment fragments in the urban development present extremely complex and interdisciplinary challenges. These problems led to the objective of article: to formulate the conceptual guidelines for the integration of the relics of rural environment into urban development based on the literature and the results of the previous researches.The guidelines are based on contemporary heritage management ideas: heritage conflict management, reconciliation of the dilemmas, the ecomuseum concept, experiences and ideas on economic cooperation and includes identification of the most important socio-cultural, socioeconomic and heritage protection conflicts and recommendations for management of the character and distribution of the social processes and the quality and quantity of urban and architectural innovations in the relics of rural environment and their surroundings. Management of character and dispersion of social processes can be achieved through the tools of land management (planning, heritage protection) and social initiatives. Management of the quality and quantity of urban and architectural innovations can be achieved by creating the appropriate heritage management and spatial planning models, taking into account cultural and other values of the rural landscape relics, and the characteristics of the surrounding environment (level of urbanization, visual characteristics and natural, cultural, and social potential). [From the publication]