LTMonografijoje dėmesys sutelkiamas į dviejų modernaus miesto dėmenų - miesto plėtros ir sanitarinės infrastruktūros pokyčių - tarpusavio sąveiką XIX a. antrosios pusės - XX a. pradžios Rusijos imperijos gubernijų centruose Vilniuje, Kaune ir Gardine. Pirmasis dėmuo leidžia pažinti šių modemėjančių miestų plėtros tendencijas ir su tuo susijusius miestų socioekologinės struktūros pokyčius, antrasis - kaip modemėjančiame mieste formavosi šiuolaikinė sanitarinė infrastruktūra, kuri turėjo įveikti miesto plėtros / tankėjimo sukeltas problemas (visų pirma blogėjančią miesto sanitarinę aplinką). Knyga yra pirmas sisteminis bandymas pažvelgti į miesto plėtros ir sanitarinės infrastruktūros modernėjimą Lietuvos gubernijų centruose iš miesto ekologijos perspektyvos, interpretuojant duomenis Europos ir Rusijos imperijos kontekstuose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: 19 amžius; 20 amžius; Miestai; Miestiečiai; Urbanistika; Modernėjimas; Pastatai; The Lithuanian XIX-XX c. history; Cities; Citizenry; The Townscape; Modernisation; Buildings.
ENThe phenomenon of urban development and modernization of sanitary infrastructure is related to modernization and the related industrialization and urbanization processes that began in Western Europe at the end of the 18th century. The industrialization development and population growth in Western Europe led to an increase in urban settlement and change in their socio-ecological structure (e.g. differences in urban neighbourhoods emerged). In the densely populated cities, the sanitary condition, which was perhaps the most important factor in the rise of epidemics in the 19th century deteriorated. This led to the modernization of sanitary infrastructure. The beginning of modernization of sanitary infrastructure and sanitary technologies is related to the sanitary revolution that began in the cities of Western Europe (especially in Great Britain) in the mid-i9th century. The cities of the Lithuania Governorate (which belonged to the Russian Empire at that time) of the second half of the 19th century-the beginning of the 20th century underwent modernization, industrialization and urbanization processes as well. As a matter of fact, they were slightly slower in comparison with the metropolises of Western Europe and the major cities of the Russian Empire. A question arises: what did Lithuanian "big cities" - centers of the Lithuanian governorates - Vilnius, Kaunas, Grodno look like during the period of modernization of Western European and Russian Empire cities and their development and the formation of modern sanitary infrastructure? How advanced or behind the times were they? This book focuses on the interaction between the two mentioned dimensions - the changes of urban development and sanitary infrastructure - in modernising Vilnius, Kaunas and Grodno in the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century.The first constituent allows to get familiar with the development trends of these modernizing cities and the related changes in the socioecological structure of the cities, the second one - the way the modern sanitation infrastructure had evolved in a modernizing city that had to overcome urbanization problems (in particular, the deteriorating urban sanitation). This book is the first attempt to look at the centers of Lithuanian governorates through the prism of their modernization (interaction between urban development and changes in sanitary infrastructure). The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in the socioecological structure and sanitary infrastructure (as the features of a modern city) in 1870-1914, in Vilnius, Kaunas and Grodno. [Extract, p. 265-266]