Joachima Lelewela koncepcja nauk źródłoznawczych na tle piśmiennictwa naukowego XVIII i początku XIX wieku

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Joachima Lelewela koncepcja nauk źródłoznawczych na tle piśmiennictwa naukowego XVIII i początku XIX wieku
Alternative Title:
Joachim Lelewel's concept of source study sciences vis-a-vis the scientific literature of the second half of the eighteenth and the beginnings of the nineteenth century
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Joachimas Lelewelis; Šaltinių studijų mokslai; Pagalbiniai istorijos mokslai; Joachim Lelewel; Source study sciences; Auxiliary sciences of history.

ENIn the middle of the eighteenth century, the concept of historical auxiliary sciences received wider acceptance due to Professor Johan Christoph Gatterer of the Göttingen University. Joachim Lelewel, an outstanding theoretician of historical sciences and researcher, revised this concept in his works published in the second and third decades of the nineteenth century. Lelewel isolated all the disciplines, the role of which was providing knowledge indispensable for critical analyses of primary sources, and gathered them under the designation of "sciences enabling comprehension of historical sources". Even, if the concept of isolating the disciplines which deal in a direct manner with criticism of primary source materials was not completely original with Lelewel - one can point to several earlier authors voicing similar postulates - his ideas received the most thorough theoretical form and practical implementation in the manual "Sciences Enabling Comprehension of Historical Sources", published in Vilnius, in 1822. Lelewels concept, even if superior to the ideas of Gatterer, failed to gain wider acceptance, and the subsequent development of historical auxiliary disciplines went along the lines drawn by the German professor and his followers. [From the publication]

2022-01-26 15:25:00
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