LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Estetika; Arabų estetika; Sufizmas; Grožis; Ibn al-Arabi; Aesthetics; Arabiam aesthetics; Sufism; Beauty; Ibn al-Arabi.
ENThe paper deals with the cosmological conception of beauty (husn) as it is exposed in the voluminous "Meccan Revelations" (Futuhat al-Makkiyyah) produced by the famous Andalusian Sufi Ibn al-'Arabi (1165-1240). The theory of beauty is closely related to the theological doctrine of the most beautiful (husna) names of God and Ibn al-'Arabi's ontology which declares the unity of being (wujud). Since all manifested reality is regarded as the self-disclosure of God, or theophany (tajalli), the cosmos is beautiful and consists of beautiful forms. Ibn al-'Arabi emphasizes the cosmological role of imagination (khayal). All created things are situaded betw een God, His Wujud, and nonbeing. Ultimately they are tantam ount to the Unbounded Imagination. According to the Andalusian shaykh, spirit and body cannot be separated, therefore the beauty of bodies reveals the beauty of spirit which is the divine Beauty itself. [From the publication]