LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antros kartos saitynas; Dalyvaujamasis muziejus; Interaktyvumas; Internetas; Interneto svetainės; Lietuvos muziejai; Lietuvos nacionaliniai muziejai; Muzeologija; Muziejaus patirtis; Muziejų lankytojai; Muziejų svetainės; Tinklaveika; Vartotojų suvokimas; „Facebook“; Facebook; Interactivity; Internet; Museology; Museum experience; Museum visitors; Museum websites; Museums of Lithuania; National museums of Lithuania; Participatory museum; User perception; Web 2.0; Websites.
ENThe research of which the results are presented in this paper is funded by a grant from the Research Council of Lithuania under the project Research on increasing the attractivity and optimizing virtual access of Lithuanian national museums (LitMus-Web), No. MIP-093./2013 / LSS-160000- 1484. The main aim of the research project was to explore the differences in task completion time between Lithuanian museum websites – in particular of the National Museums – when the user is searching for important information that is relevant to him/ her. The analysis of the results should lead to recommendations on improving and optimizing the websites of the four National Museums of Lithuania. As the user is one of the key parameters in this research, it was important to collect some data as to the general user perception of museum websites. The first findings of a survey among visitors of the National Museums of Lithuania are presented in the following paper. [From the publication]