Współpraca gospodarcza Litwy i Polski: bilans i perspektywy

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Współpraca gospodarcza Litwy i Polski: bilans i perspektywy
Alternative Title:
Economic cooperation between Poland and Lithuania: the balance and prospects
Lenkija (Poland); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonominis bendradarbiavimas; Lenkija (Lenkijos karalystė. Kingdom of Poland. Poland); Perspektyvas; Economic cooperation; Lithuania; Prospects.

ENThe main aim of the article is to analyze the economic relations between Lithuania and Poland after the year 1990. The subject of the author’s considerations are issues of mutual trade and direct foreign investments in both countries. These issues were analyzed in the context of economic indicators, market conditions, political and social factors. Particular attention was given to the problem of chances, opportunities but also potential difficulties and risks in mutual economic relations between the economies of Lithuania and Poland. Prospects for trade exchange between Poland and Lithuania which are considered by the author to be promising. As far as those prospects are concerned they were analyzed in the context of the EU’s new financial policy, which should contribute to an increase in investments in those neighboring countries, GDP growth trends in both countries and launching a strategic energy bridge connecting Poland and Lithuania. The latter is intended to closure the so called Baltic ring which will provide security of energy supplies not only for the region but will also create new opportunities for trade exchange and businesses. [From the publication]

2022-01-17 20:24:30
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