The Lithuanian war of independence in 1918-1920: actions against the Bolsheviks in the area of Zarasai and Daugavpils

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Lithuanian war of independence in 1918-1920: actions against the Bolsheviks in the area of Zarasai and Daugavpils
In the Journal:
Vēsture: avoti un cilvēki [History: sources and people]. 2012, 15, p. 129-133
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: 1918-1920; Bolševikai; Daugpilis; Latvijos kariuomenė; Lietuvių nepriklausomybės kovos; Lietuvos kariuomenė; Lietuvos nepriklausomybės kovos; LitBelas; Nepriklausomybės kovos; Raudonoji armija; Zarasai; 1918-1920; Bolsheviks; Daugavpils; Independence struggle; Latvian military forces; LitBel; Lithuania; Lithuanian military forces; Lithuanian war for independence; Lithuanian war of independence; Red army; Zarasai.

ENIn 1919, during the War of Independence, the Lithuanian Armed Forces were forced to keep long front lines against the Bolsheviks, Polish Armed Forces and formations of General Bermont-Avaloff simultaneously. The greatest hardship that negatively influenced the situation was an extreme lack of forces and officers of higher military education. The highest authorities of the Republic of Lithuania understood that it was impossible to keep long-time resistance at three front lines simultaneously. For the above-mentioned reasons, it was extremely important to eliminate the front line with the Bolsheviks and raise possibilities to concentrate the forces against General Bermont-Avaloff formations. Upon the analysis of the situation, Commander in Chief of the Lithuanian Armed Forces General Silvestras fiukauskas decided to start an offensive in order to push the Bolsheviks to the other side of the River Daugava. According to their assumptions, the limit of advance had not to be shorter than the Daugava, because the Daugava was a natural obstacle and the Lithuanians could keep the front line with the smaller forces. [Extract, p. 129]

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Lietuvos kariuomenė nepriklausomybės kovose, 1918-1920 / Vytautas Lesčius ; Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, Vilniaus universitetas. Vilnius : Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2004. 497, [2] p., 1 žml. lap.
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