LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aukštasis mokslas; Aukštojo mokslo sistema; Aukštosios mokyklos; Bendrojo priėmimo sistema; Bendrojo priėmimo į aukštąsias mokyklas sistema; Pretendentų atranka; Priėmimas į aukštąsias mokyklas; Studijų programos; Admission to higher schools; General admission system; General admission system to higher schools; Higher education; Higher education system; Higher schools; Lithuania; Selecting applicants; Study programmes.
ENThe present paper aims to describe the system of joint admission to the Lithuanian higher schools applied for a number of years in the country. The issues presented in this paper comprise the Lithuanian higher education system, the criteria of selecting applicants to higher schools of Lithuania, a few problems of joint admission to the Lithuanian higher schools, and statistical data reflecting the results of joint applicants’ admission to the Lithuanian higher schools. [From the publication]