Варьирование сказок и их классификация

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Rusų kalba / Russian
Варьирование сказок и их классификация
Alternative Title:
Variation and classification of folktales
In the Book:
Ethnic culture : traditions and innovations / editor-in-chief Romualdas Apanavičius. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2004. P. 368-382
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Elementarus siužetas; Klasifikacija; Kūrinio tipas; Pasakos; Struktūrinis-semantinis tipas; Tautosaka; Versija; Classification; Elementary plot; Folklore; Structural-semantic type; Tales; Type of work; Version.

ENThe article is devoted to the problem of classification of folk tales and legends in more detail. The Problem is solved investigating the variability and stability of elements and structures of the texts. The author presents her own structural-semantic method for the analysis of texts. The conclusions are based on the analysis of more than 85 thousand of Lithuanian folktales and legends (their published and manuscript variants), which arc systematised by the author in The Catalogue of Lithuanian Narrative Folklore. The first conclusion - the talc type is a changing category. The variation should become the basis of grouping variants and descriptions of plots. The study of the development of structures and semantics of fairy tales shows that the texts of fairy tales and other oral narratives are the systems organised on several levels. The number of levels depends on the complexity of plot. The degree of stability of elements in each level depends on their hierarchical position in structures. The initial procedure of analysis of the texts is a selection of elementary plots (EP). In similar elementary plots (EP) the act of the hero and its consequence - the outcome - vary least of all. These elements arc the basis for the formation of the EP types. Another important procedure of the analysis of texts is the establishment of the connections between EPs, which form the plot structure in the text. The EP, which organises all the remaining elements of the structure into a system, is called the main EP. If the main EPs in plot structures of the texts belong to the same semantic type, the talc variants arc considered to be variants of the same structural - semantic type of the tale.The variants of the type can differ in plot structures (in number and types of less important EPs and in presence or absence of frames). In plot structures the important role is played by those EPs and frames, which arc connected with each other and the main EP by the strongest logical connection. They form the basis of the macrostructurc of the texts. The versions of structural-semantic type arc identified on the basis of correspondence between the macrostructures of variants. The macrostructurcs of the texts stabilise a plot within the limits of the version. Alongside with the identification of the structural-semantic types it is necessary to identify the type of a particular work of art. All the variants of a structural-semantic type, having the same version of the main EP type, arc classified as the same specific type of a fairy tale. The structural-semantic analysis of the variants of manifold plots in AT and their classification help to any extent to trace the path of their development. For example, it is possible to see the resemblance of the tales that have close semantics. The grouping of the versions on the basis of the degree of the complexity of their structures and macrostructures demonstrates the general tendency towards complication of plots. Of course, among the variants distinguished on the basis of the simplicity of their structures, there can be the variants both saved by traditions archaic texts and texts, which arc the results of destruction of the complicated structures. The structural-semantic classification makes the variation and development of fairy tales even more obvious. The main thing is that such classification will promote comparability of the tales of different nations. Such classification of Lithuanian animal tales and folk legends, which have rather simple structures, is already published. [From the publication]

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Lietuvių pasakojamosios tautosakos katalogas / Bronislava Kerbelytė. Vilnius : LLTI, 1999-2009. 4 t. (436, 484, 452, 611 p.).
2020-12-17 20:23:45
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