Pagalbos vaikui ypatumai po jo atskyrimo nuo biologinės šeimos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pagalbos vaikui ypatumai po jo atskyrimo nuo biologinės šeimos
Alternative Title:
Characteristics of assistance for the child after his/her separation from biological family
In the Journal:
Sveikatos mokslai. 2020, t. 30, Nr. 3, p. 21-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTPaskutiniu metu vaikų gerovės užtikrinimo problemos yra aktyviai aptariamos ir analizuojamos Lietuvos vaiko teisių apsaugos sistemoje. Siekiama sukurti tokią vaiko teisių apsaugos sistemą, kuri užtikrintų ir gintų vaiko teises ir teisėtus interesus, tinkamu laiku reaguotų į pažeidimus, operatyviai priimtų sprendimus. Ne visada tėvai gali sudaryti tinkamas sąlygas augantiems vaikams. Vaikas iš tėvų gali būti paimtas dėl tokių priežasčių: vaikas auga nesaugioje aplinkoje, kurioje gali grėsti pavojus jo sveikatai bei gyvybei; vaikas paliktas be priežiūros arba su netinkamais asmenimis; vaiko tėvai (arba vienas turimas) yra dingę; tėvai laikinai, pvz., dėl ligos, negali rūpintis vaiku. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvejo vadybininkas; Biologinė šeima; Socialinis darbuotojas; Vaikas; Vaiko gerovė; Vaiko teisių apsaugos sistema; Biological family; Case manager; Child; Child rights protection system; Child welfare; Social worker.

ENRecently, the issues of child welfare in Lithuania have been actively discussed and analyzed by the professionals working in the system of children’s rights protection. Their aim is to create a system protecting the rights of the child; this system should safeguard and protect the rights and legitimate the interests of the children, it should be revised in due time and resolutions should be taken promptly. Parents are not always able to ensure that their children have the proper conditions to grow up. The child may be taken away from his/her parents for the following reasons: if the child grows up in an unsafe environment in which his or her health and life may be endangered; if parents cannot take care of their child due to an illness. In 2019, there were approximately 400 employees in the care centers: psychologists, care coordinators, certified specialists who provide training for adoptive parents. According to the data gathered in Lithuania (December 2019), there are 7400 children who have lost parental care, among them about 1400 children who are in temporary custody and 6000 children who are in permanent custody. In total, 4800 children are in foster care, 360 of them live in families, 1900 children live in residential institutions (approximately 500 of them are in community foster care homes) and about 250 children are supervised by custodians on duty. Based on the results of the study, the following practical recommendations can be made: minimizing the paperwork done by specialists who provide social care for families at risk; assigning to one social worker no more than 10 families at social risk. [From the publication]

1392-6373; 2335-867X
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