Jungtinės Karalystės lietuvių etninė tapatybė ir kalba

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jungtinės Karalystės lietuvių etninė tapatybė ir kalba
Alternative Title:
Ethnic identity and language of the Lithuanian community in the United Kingdom
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame skyriuje keliamas tikslas išanalizuoti etninės tapatybės atspindžius Jungtinės Karalystės lietuvių gyvenime ir aptarti lietuvių kalbos vaidmenį artimoje ir darbo aplinkoje, savos lietuvių kalbos vertinimą. Nors tyrime atspindėta tik dalies šioje šalyje gyvenančių lietuvių nuomonė, tikėtina, kad rezultatai galėtų būti susiję su bendrosiomis tendencijomis. Vis dėlto platesniam vaizdui susidaryti reikalingi išsamesni tyrimai. [Iš teksto, p. 114]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dvikalbystė; Emigrantų kalba; Kalbos išlaikymas; Linguistic behaviour; Emigrant language; Knowledge and use of Lithuanian by Lithuanian emigrants.

ENThe main destination country of contemporary Lithuanian emigration is the United Kingdom. Thus, the aim of the present chapter is to reveal what is characteristic of Lithuanians residing in the United Kingdom, namely, what their ethnic identity is and what their attitudes are with respect to the knowledge of Lithuanian and its use in the private and public (professional) domains. The chapter discusses what UK-based Lithuanians consider themselves to be in terms of ethnic identity, what strategies of constructing ethnic identity they adopt and whether such practices are affected by the reasons of their emigration. In addition, the chapter examines the changes that the respondents admit noticing in their use of Lithuanian and discusses their choice (not) to use Lithuanian in the domestic and professional environments. The results of the study reveal that the vast majority of the respondents of the survey consider themselves to be Lithuanians but most of them do not feel the desire or need to participate in the activities of the Lithuanian communities. This suggests that it is not typical of them to engage in the process of deliberate construction of the environment of ethnic culture. The emigrants’ emotional attachment to their country of origin is of a twofold nature, i.e. some emigrants still consider Lithuania to be their homeland, while for others it is London that they feel at home. However, almost a third of the respondents of the quantitative survey have no intentions of returning to Lithuania.The majority of the participants of the study attach great importance to the knowledge of Lithuanian but at least a third of them admit noticing that the language they use is no longer the same as the variety spoken in Lithuania. The majority (but not all) of the respondents always use Lithuanian when they communicate with their Lithuanian spouses or partners, they tend to use Lithuanian slightly more rarely to interact with their children and even more seldom with friends of Lithuanian descent who reside outside Lithuania. It may thus be concluded that UK-based Lithuanians attach great importance to the Lithuanian language but essentially they make no deliberate attempts to use it as frequently as possible. [From the publication]

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2022-01-17 17:23:40
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