Aplinkos apsaugos plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aplinkos apsaugos plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija
Alternative Title:
Strategy for the economic factors of environmental protection
In the Book:
Ilgalaikė Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija / sudarytojas Algimantas Liekis. Vilnius: Personalinės įmonės "Lietuvos mokslas" redakcija, 2002. P. 833-891
Summary / Abstract:

LTAplinkos apsaugos skatinimui bei valdymui gali būd pasitelkta įvairių poveikio priemonių — teisinių, administracinių, ekonominių, moralinių, eko- loginio švietimo ir pan. Čia nagrinėjami tik ekonominiai aplinkos apsaugos veiksniai, bet įsidėmėtina, kad jų rezultatyvumui didelę įtaką turi kiti aplinkos apsaugos bei šalies ūkio plėtotės veiksniai. Aplinkos apsaugos ekonominiai veiksniai apibūdina ūkio subjektų priimamų sprendimų ekonominių pasekmių sąsają su poveikio aplinkai pobūdžiu bei mastais. Šiuo atžvilgiu aplinkos apsaugos ekonominius veiksnius galima padalyti į dvi stambias, tarpusavyje susijusias grupes: 1) postūmius (paskatas), t.y. ekonominius aplinkos apsaugos valdymo svertus, ir 2) pasekmes, t.y. aplinkos apsaugos bei jos valdymo svertų poveikį ūkinių subjektų finansiniams rezultatams (išlaidoms bei pajamoms) bei rinkos struktūrai. Lietuvoje taikomus ekonominius aplinkos apsaugos valdymo svertus vėlgi galima padalyti į dvi grupes: a) ekonominiai gamtonaudos reguliavimo priemonės — mokesčiai už aplinkos taršą bei gamtos išteklius, gamtai padaromos žalos atlyginimo įkainiai; b) aplinkos apsaugos finansavimo fondai, kurie naudojami bendrų (valstybinių) aplinkos apsaugos priemonių įgyvendinimui. [Iš teksto, p. 835]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Strategija; Šalies ūkis; Vizija; Misija; Strateginiai tikslai; Veiksmai; Priemonės; Strategy; Country's economy; Vision; Mission; Strategic goals; Actions; Measures.

ENThe term “economic factors of environmental protection” here refers to the relationship of economic and environmental impacts of decisions made by the economic units. In this regard two major groups of economic factors of environmental protection (EFEP) could be distinguished: (1) incentives, i.e. economic leverages of environmental policy, and (2) impacts of the environmental protection measures on the economic agents at both micro and macro level. Likewise, economic leverages of environmental policy can be divided into (a) economic instruments of environmental management, and (b) environmental funds that are used for the joint (public) measures of environmental protection. Strategy for the development of the comprehensive system of environmental policy measures is based on the notions of sustainable development, thorough integration of environmental considerations into decision making at all sectors of economy, internationally acknowledged “polluter pays principle”, and orientation towards pollution prevention rather than “end-of-pipe” solutions.The list of strategic goals of EFEP development till the year 2015 includes reform of pollution charges with an aim to strengthen their incentive character, introduction of emission trading possibility via transferability of pollution permits, implementation of the efficient waste management system accompanied and promoted by the wider application of product charges and deposit-refund systems, initiation of “green budget reform” and establishment of the “green procurement” rule for the public purchases, promotion of the subsidiarity principle by enhancing of the municipality rights and responsibilities for the local environmental control. The extensive substantiation and feasibility evaluation of the indicated strategic guidelines for the EFEP development is backed by the proposal for the necessary actions to be taken in order to warrant timely achievement of the goals set in the strategy. Substantive part of the Strategy is devoted to the assessment of predictable impacts of environmental policies on the key sectors of Lithuanian economy: industry, energy, transport and agriculture. This is done taking into account the adopted (and expected to be adopted) national legislative acts and programs for environmental protection, as well as European directives and international conventions. The final chapter of the Strategy emphasizes, the importance of development of an adequate public administration potential for the appropriate implementation and use of the EFEP, and suggests a number of means to this end. [From the publication]

2022-01-27 15:31:00
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