Ekonomikos augimo ir jos struktūros plėtotės strategija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekonomikos augimo ir jos struktūros plėtotės strategija
Alternative Title:
Strategy of economic growth and its structural development
In the Book:
Ilgalaikė Lietuvos ūkio (ekonomikos) plėtotės iki 2015 metų strategija / sudarytojas Algimantas Liekis. Vilnius: Personalinės įmonės "Lietuvos mokslas" redakcija, 2002. P. 133-192
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos nacionalinė ekonomika yra pasaulinės ekonomikos sudedamoji dalis. Kartu strategine prasme pasaulinė ekonomika yra aplinka, kurioje besireiškiančios tendencijos stipriai veikia galimybes ir grėsmes ilgalaikei nacionalinės ekonomikos plėtotei. Nuo to, kokiu mastu Lietuvos ūkio plėtotė derinasi su pasaulinės ekonomikos tendencijomis, priklauso šalies ekonomikos stiprybės ir silpnybės. Vertinant šalies ekonomikos stiprybes, silpnybes, galimybes ir grėsmes jos plėtotei, reikia atsižvelgti į tą aplinkybę, kad Lietuva yra nedidelė Europos šalis, turinti pereinamąją ekonomiką. Nors pasaulinė ekonomika galutinai susiformavo XIX ir XX amžių sankirtoje, Lietuva joje apie 50 metų reiškėsi ne tiesiogiai, o per sužlugusios SSRS ekonomikos sistemą. Todėl plėtojant Lietuvos ekonomikos savarankišką internacionalizaciją tenka įveikti naujiems pasaulinės ekonomikos dalyviams būdingas problemas. [Iš teksto, p. 135]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Strategija; Šalies ūkis; Vizija; Misija; Strateginiai tikslai; Veiksmai; Priemonės; Strategy; Country's economy; Vision; Mission; Strategic goals; Actions; Measures.

ENThis strategy is one of 14 specific (sectorial) strategies in the entire complex of long-term strategic documents of Lithuania’s economic development until 2015. The document of strategy of economic growth and its structural development presents the strategic evaluation of the situation in the country, formulations of the vision of economy, State mission in the development of economy and strategic objectives, specification of the most important State actions and the main measures for implementing the strategic objectives. The strategic evaluation of the situation in the country is the generalisation of strategic analysis results referred to as SWOT analysis, covering four aspects: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The final result of the generalisation based on the aforementioned four aspects constitutes the initial information for justifying the choice of strategic economic development objectives and State actions as well as measures for achieving such objectives. The identification of the key factors for success helped to orient the strategic analysis purposefully in analysing foreign experience, especially of those countries, in which a very high rate of economic growth has been achieved during the long period (for example, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.). The vision of the national economy is the generalised understanding and perception what type of Lithuania’s economy it is striven to develop in the future. The future image of the national economy is characterised in the vision from two aspects: from the aspect of internal social economy and economic international competition. It reflects the essential changes in the national economy and the most important factors conditioning those changes.If to consider that maximum efforts to achieve consensus between political parties are expedient as regards the future vision of the national economy, efforts were made when formulating it not to be guided by the political and economic ideology of any of the parties. The State mission in the economic development describes in a generalised way the main general target provisions of the State and the trends of actions for the specified perspective period; it summarises the arguments substantiating those provisions and trends. It was attempted in the text of the mission formulation to identify the most important provisions of the co-ordination of the market mechanisms and the regulating role of the State. Strategic goals transform the general provisions of the formulations of the vision and mission into the more precisely specified obligations, which indicate what should be achieved in developing the national economy, when and why. The general strategic goal of the Lithuanian economic growth is formulated as follows: to develop and to use effectively factors ensuring a rapid and stable economic growth, until 2015 creating a firm basis for Lithuania’s approaching the average EU level according to the GDP indicator per capita within 30-40 years. High average annual rates of economic growth are foreseen until 2015: 7 percent - optimistic, 6 percent - average, 5 percent — pessimistic. Priority factors for a rapid growth of the national economy are considered to be: political and macroeconomic stability; high-level and information technologies; human capital; private internal and direct foreign investments; orientation of development towards export.Economic growth and its structural development strategy characterises the main actions of the State and the most important measures, ensuring the implementation of the vision, mission and strategic goals: macroeconomic policy of the State, industrial policy, economic reforms, policy of separate economic areas and sectorial development. It is stressed that detailing of strategic goals, actions and measures is necessary for the implementation of the development strategy of the national policy as well as their concrete specification in national programmes, the Government programmes and action plans, action plans of separate ministries and other State departments. Seeking to ensure the comprehensive development of all direct and indirect economic growth factors and their efficient use, we propose to prepare and implement annual and average duration (3-7 years) programmes for the measures and actions aimed at accelerating the economic growth. [From the publication]

2022-01-22 22:00:21
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