LTLietuvis išeivis Bronius Povilaitis (1907-1985), gyvenęs Kanadoje, atsiminimų knygoje pasakoja apie savo gyvenimą ir profesinį darbą Lietuvoje, vėliau Vokietijoje ir Kanadoje, pristato Kanados lietuvių visuomeninę bei katalikišką veiklą. Antrąją knygos dalį autorius paskyrė atsiminimams apie savo gyvenimo kelyje sutiktus žmones, savo atsiminimus jis iliustruoja laiškų ištraukomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos istorija; Atsiminimai; Emigracija; Žemės ūkis; The Lithuanian history; Memoires; Emigration; Agriculture.
ENThis book is being published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of its author, Bronius Povilaitis. The book began as an outgrowth of his participation as an interviewee for a Multicultural History Society of Ontario (Canada) project. His reminiscences were recorded in Lithuanian (log no. 1545). The recording process began on July 28, 1977. The author had long contemplated writing his memoirs as a testimonial about his life, about people he met along the way, about his colleagues and relatives, about events in which he participated. He felt that his story may be of interest and use to his loved ones, so that they could learn about his life and times, as seen from his viewpoint. His hope was that the text would reach his relatives in Lithuania. The text was completed before his death on July 17, 1985. [...]. [Extract, p. 340]