Visuomenė: disciplinos žymės

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Visuomenė: disciplinos žymės
Alternative Title:
Signs of disciplinary society
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠioje knygos dalyje siekiama atskleisti rizikos visuomenės pobūdį, disciplinos bendruomenių bruožus, socialines kontrolės reiškinį, jo pokyčius įvairių tipų visuomenėse. Straipsnyje analizuojama disciplinos žymių paliestų subkultūrų pobūdis bei Šioms bendruomenėms priklausančių žmonių (kalinių) gyvensenos bruožai. Tyrinėjimui pasitelkiama erdvės sociologijos bei egzistencinės ir fenomenologinės koncepcijos, socialinės istorijos medžiaga, gyvenimo istorijų metodas, 2005-2006 m. sociologinio tyrimo keliuose Lietuvos pataisos namuose duomenys. Autorė analizuoja kalėjimo įnamių gyvenimo sąlygų pataisos namuose vertinimus, tokius kalinių suvokimus kaip nelaisvė, bausmė, kančia, viltys, gyvenimo vertingumo išgyvenimas, pakitusias jų socialines pozicijas bei santykius. Remiamasi moksline literatūra, įžvalgomis, neformalių interviu ir gyvenimo istorijų fragmentais. Kalėjimas analizuojamas kaip veiklos bei privataus gyvenimo apribojimo, griežtos priežiūros, asmenybės identiteto pokyčių vieta. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Visuomenė; Įkalinimas; Bausmės; Vertybės; Integracija į visuomenę; Nusikalstamumas; Society; Imprisonment; Punishments; Values; Integration into society; Crime.

ENIn the first part "Signs of disciplinary society" of the collective monograph the features of the disciplinary society are analysed. The meanings of security/danger as significant ones are currently becoming involved in the social consciousness, and in the system of cultural signs. The idea of the state and society security was important since the old times; it is reflected in the works of the philosophic and political thought. The basic purpose of national security is to ensure the survival of the nation and its development. Growing pluralism in postsocialist Lithuania is connected with the process of democratization, national freedom, economic, social and cultural reforms and new reality. But internal threats to national security can arise because of poverty, social diseases, undevelopment. In modern Lithuania as in the risk society there are revealing some forces as the threats for country (floods, migration, acts of terrorism, social maladies). As the most dangerous the Lithuanians recognized delinquency, drug consumption, and alcoholism. As Hobbes (1651) yet noted, the imprisonment is when a man is deprived of liberty by public authorities. A prison is the place where discipline, surveillance and control are dominating. Because mobility today is becoming a determining factor of social change and social stratification, the prisoners as sedentary (in the geographical and social sense) people have little opportunities to develop their personalities. As Z. Bauman and others researchers noted, prison in modern society have failed to achieve the goals of reforming and reintegrating offenders. On contrarily, the young confinements became more consummate in destructive work against society because they are integrated in the delinquency subculture.Therefore in many cases prison (as the indispensable pillar of contemporary social order, as the traditional institutional form for punishment) is not so effective as community custody. In the paper the narratives of prisoners are presented: by means of language their thoughts and feelings, features of their daily life and communicational behaviour are unclosed. The authoress speaks for the community custody as a new way to control and punish offenders (without incarceration). The article is based on scientific literature, the qualitative sociological research (carried out by the Institute for Social Research) where the features of the prisoner's subculture were analysed; existential approach, the M. Foucault theory were applied in it. [From the publication]

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