Stebuklingų šv. Onos paveikslų fenomenas Lietuvoje: Alvito, Lentupio ir Duokiškio bažnyčių atvejai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Stebuklingų šv. Onos paveikslų fenomenas Lietuvoje: Alvito, Lentupio ir Duokiškio bažnyčių atvejai
Alternative Title:
Phenomenon of the miraculous paintings of St. Anne in Lithuania: the cases of churches in Alvitas, Lentupis and Duokiškis
In the Book:
Excellentia virtutum: šventieji Lietuvos kultūroje / sudarytoja Asta Giniūnienė. Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2019. P. 255-282
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatoma viena iš šv. Onos gerbimo apraiškų Lietuvoje - kultinių Švč. Mergelės Marijos motinos atvaizdų fenomenas. Remiantis trijų senosios Vilniaus vyskupijos parapinių bažnyčių - Alvito, Lentupio ir Duokiškio - paveikslų pavyzdžiais siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar šiose bažnyčiose buvę šv. Onos paveikslai tikinčiųjų buvo laikomi stebuklingais ir kokios aplinkybės nulėmė jų gerbimo raidą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Alvito Švč. Mergelės Marijos paveikslas; Lentupio Šv. Andriejaus apaštalo bažnyčia; Duokiškio Šv. Onos bažnyčia; Šv. Onos brolija; Šv. Ona; Šv. Ona, pati trečioji; Švč. Mergelės Marijos auklėjimas; Loreto Švč. Mergelė Marija; Šv. Antanas Paduvietis; Šv. Joakimas; Stebuklingas paveikslas; Alvito St. Picture of the Virgin Mary; Duokiškis St. St. Anne's Church; St. Anne's Brotherhood; St. Anne; St. Anne Selbdritt; St. Virgin Mary upbringing; Loreto St. Virgin Mary; St. Anthony of Padua; St. Joakim; Miracle pictures.

ENThe studies of art history of recent decades reveal that most often paintings of the Blessed Virgin Mary and less often of Jesus Christ were used as the cult images in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The miraculous images of St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in this context are rare. Previously, the author had investigated one of the early miraculous cases of the dressing of the 16th century sculpture of St. Anne in Batakiai (Samogitia). In this article, the study on the miraculous images of St. Anne is pursued in the Diocese of Vilnius, which also belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Based on the cases in three parish churches (Alvitas, Lentupis and Duokiškis) of this diocese, it was pursued to ascertain whether the paintings of St. Anne in these churches were acknowledged by believers to be miraculous, and which peculiarities of the cult development of St. Anne led to the transformations in their veneration. The research revealed that the painting of St. Anne from the chapel of Duokiškis did not become miraculous, though a legend spread around it as a precedent for the rise of the cult. It is common in the churches of St. Andrew the Apostle in Lentupis and St. Anne in Alvitas that the paintings of the Blessed Virgin Mary have long been venerated for their miracles. With the decline of its popularity, the veneration to the miraculous paintings of St. Anne increased for a while. The cult of St. Anne in Alvitas gain popularity in the 19th century, and in the first half of the last century, even overshadowed the regionally famous miraculous cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto that was popular since the 17th century. According to written sources, the painting of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary in the church of Lentupis in the third quarter of the 18th century was respected and considered miraculous.However, its popularity decreased in the first half of the 19th century. The painting of St. Anne in Lentupis for the first time was named miraculous in 1924. In both churches of Alvitas (1621) and Lentupis (1759), St. Anne’s fraternities were found to propagate the cult of this saint, as well as the feast day St. Anne was celebrated. The fraternity in Lentupis declined in the first half of the 19th century. After the fall of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Alvitas was incorporated into the Kingdom of Poland. The Alvitas fraternity was active until the late 19th century and accomplished many works for the parish. Presumably, due to the efforts of the fraternity, the relics of St. Anne were purchased in the 19th century and exposed on the altar of the fraternity. The miraculous painting in Alvitas was lost during the church bombing in 1944. Its composition can be deduced from the surviving publication in the press. It was a painting of the Holy Family depicting St. Anne, St. Joachim, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Baby Jesus, and a dove of the Holy Spirit above them. This painting is probably identifiable with the painting from the 17th century mentioned in the inventory of the church in 1700, which was covered by Baroque casings since the second half of the 18th century. It is not the only identified image in Lithuania depicting the Holy Family as "St. Anne the seventh together", but also the example of the old tradition of representation of St. Anne. Relatively late (the 19th - first half of the 20th century) veneration to the miraculous images of St. Anne in the churches of Alvitas and Lentupis points to the archaic world-view that is associated with the veneration to miraculous images and has remained in the society from the Baroque period.Like with the cases of miraculous images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus, the same model of veneration is repeated in the veneration to miraculous images. Hence, the cases of veneration to the miraculous images of St. Anne in Lithuania illustrate the construction of the phenomenon when the image of the saint becomes miraculous. [From the publication]

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