Vilniaus universitetas ir Apšvietos epochos pradžia (1750-1773)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus universitetas ir Apšvietos epochos pradžia (1750-1773)
Alternative Title:
Vilnius University and the start of the Enlightenment era (1750-1773)
6.1. Universiteto modernėjimas : Apšvietos epochos Lietuvoje pradžia ; Senoji tradicija ir naujoji orientacija ; Dėstomų dalykų pertvarka ; Modernių institucijų įkūrimas — 6.2. Naujųjų amžių filosofijos recepcija : Metodo problemos ; Logikos virsmas pažinimo teorija ; Filosofinė kosmologija ; Naujųjų psichologijos teorijų recepcija ; — 6.3. Moderniosios gamtotyros dėstymas universitete : Naujoji fizika ; Newtono fizika ir gamtos tyrimo metodologija ; Dinaminis Visatos modelis ; Heliocentrizmo pripažinimas ; Istorinio požiūrio į gamtą klostymasis.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vilniaus universitetas (VU; Vilnius University); Apšvietos epocha; Gamtotyros dėstymas Vilniaus universitete; Age of Enlightenment; Teaching natural sciences at Vilnius University.

ENModernization of the University (beginning of the Enlightenment era in Lithuania - middle of the 18th century, new educational ideas; readjustment of the piarist educational system; beginning of teaching foreign languages, history, geography at the University, first newspapers in Lithuania published by the University; rearrangements of the subjects taught - impact on the Faculty of Philosophy, introduction of the Leibniz-Wolff system of teaching philosophy at Vilnius University; innovation in the transformation of studies - teaching of physics separate from the philosophy and mathematics, innovation in the Theology and Law Departments, development of modern institutions - introduction of the specialty of mathematics, establishment of the mathematics and physics cabinets, observatory, the beginning of medical studies, establishment of the Nobles College (Collegium Nobilis) as an independent institution of studies). Reception of the new age philosophy (approach problems; transformation of logic into a cognitive theory; philosophical cosmology, reception of the new psychological theories). Teaching of modern natural sciences at the University (the new physics, Newton's physics and environmental research methodology, the dynamic model of the universe; liclioccntrism recognition, formation of the historical approach to nature). [From the publication]

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2022-01-08 22:39:27
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