ENAugustinas Voldemaras went down into history as the prime minister and foreign minister of Lithuania in 1918–1920 and 1926–1929. Undoubtedly, a characteristic feature of Voldemaras’ policy was a special emphasis on the question of Polish-Lithuanian relations, mainly in the context of the Vilnius region. Equally important in Lithuanian foreign policy were secret negotiations with the Germans conducted with the aim to secure, among other things, additional fi nancial support for the young Lithuanian state, and the policy of détente with the USSR which made it possible for Lithuania to gain a powerful ally in the argument with Poland. Th is two-way policy based on manoeuvring between the Germans and the League of Nations combined with clearly anti-Polish overtones of Lithuanian foreign policy had a negative impact on Voldemaras’ political image. Th is negative perception of his person in the international arena resulted in a gradual degradation of his authority and loss of confi dence among the LN members, including Polish politicians. Th ese questions are further developed in the article, shedding light on the aims and motivations of Voldemaras’ policy towards Poland, Germany, Russia, and the League of Nations. [From the publication]