Jaunų suaugusiųjų suvokiamos bendradarbių paramos, suvokiamos vadovo paramos bei sociodemografinių veiksnių sąsajos su ketinimu išeiti iš darbo

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jaunų suaugusiųjų suvokiamos bendradarbių paramos, suvokiamos vadovo paramos bei sociodemografinių veiksnių sąsajos su ketinimu išeiti iš darbo
Alternative Title:
Relationship between emerging adult‘s perceived coworker‘s support, perceived supervisor‘s support, sociodemographic characteristics, and their turnover intentions
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas [Social Work]. 2020, t. 18, Nr. 1, p. 98-113
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti jaunų suaugusiųjų suvokiamos bendradarbių paramos, suvokiamos vadovo paramos, sociodemografinių veiksnių ir ketinimo išeiti iš darbo sąsajas. Tyrimo duomenys buvo renkami internetinės apklausos būdu. Šiame tyrime dalyvavo tik turintys darbą 18 – 30 metų jauni suaugusieji, nes buvo tiriamas požiūris į dabartinę darbovietę, kurioje dirbama. Tyrimo metu buvo įvertinti 503 tiriamieji, iš kurių 442 moterys ir 61 vyrai. Tyrimui atlikti buvo naudotos kelios metodikos – „Ketinimo išeiti iš darbo“ (Camman ir kt., 1979), „Suvokiamos bendradarbių paramos“ (Bemiller, Williams, 2011) ir „Suvokiamos vadovo paramos“ (Eisenberger ir kt., 1986) skalės. Taipogi nuspręsta ištirti ir tam tikrus sociodemografinius veiksnius.Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė svarią suvokiamos vadovo paramos reikšmę ketinimui išeiti iš darbo jaunų suaugusiųjų imtyje. Taip pat nustatyta suvokiamos bendradarbių paramos reikšmė bei tam tikrų sociodemografinių veiksnių sąsajos su ketinimu išeiti iš darbo, t.y., bendras darbo stažas turi reikšmės ketinimui išeiti iš darbo. Vadinasi darbuotojai, turintys mažesnį bendrą darbo stažą, yra labiau linkę svarstyti apie išėjimą iš darbo. Tai, ar asmuo yra nors kartą paaukštintas pareigose taip pat siejasi su ketinimu išeiti iš darbo – paaukštinti pareigose žmonės mažiau ketina iš jo išeiti. Sukontroliavus sociodemografinius veiksnius, taikant hierarchinę regresiją, buvo atskleista, kad ypatingai ketinimą išeiti iš darbo prognozuoja tokie veiksniai, kaip suvokiama vadovo parama bei bendras jauno suaugusiojo darbo stažas. Visa tai parodo, jog į prieš tai paminėtus veiksnius, vadovai ir kiti darbuotojai turėtų atsižvelgti, jeigu nori ilgiau išlaikyti darbuotojus darbo vietoje. Taip pat tai gali padėti sutaupyti, nes suteikiant tinkamą paramą ir užtikrinant kitus svarbius poreikius, mažiau pinigų bus išleidžiama atrankoms bei apskritai, bus patiriama mažiau nuostolių, kurie atsiranda išėjus geram darbuotojui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Suvokiama bendradarbių parama; Suvokiama vadovo parama; Ketinimas išeiti iš darbo; Jauni suaugusieji; Perceived support from co-workers; Perceived support from the supervisor; Intention to leave work; Young adults.

ENThe aim of this study was to establish the relationship between Perceived Coworker’s Support, Perceived Organizational (Supervisor) Support, and Turnover Intention. An additional task was to identify the interaction of Socio-demographic Factors with the Turnover Intention. These associations were investigated in the emerging adult’s sample (period of learning and experimentation prior to career and stable relationships (Sussman, Arnett, 2014). Thus, the study sample consisted of individuals aged 18 – 30 (442 women and 61 men). The study was conducted in several stages. At first, a dialysis interview was conducted in which 2 individuals in the emerging adulthood age were interviewed. The only criteria for these subjects were their age and condition for being employed. After finding the subjects in a convenient way, they were asked in a semi-structured interview about their work experience, what was important to them at work and other similar questions like sociodemographic questions about age, sex etc. This interview helped clarify the direction of the research and the variables examined (perceived support from coworkers, perceived support from the supervisor and turnover intention). This interview also helped to determine what methodologies will be used in the study, namely, “Turnover Intention” (Camman et al., 1979), “Perceived Coworker Support” (Bemiller, Williams, 2011), and “Perceived Organizational Support” (Eisenberger et al., 1986) scales. After evaluating the results of the dialysis interviews, scales were selected through an online survey, along with socio-demographic questions and presented to 15 subjects who were conveniently picked. The data obtained were analyzed. It was decided to use the same scales as in the pilot study, as the results were satisfactory, the main study was finally launched.This was also done through an online survey but this time 503 subjects were interviewed. When enough finished questionnaires were collected during the day, it was decided to evaluate results. Calculations were done using statistical program SPSS 23.0 (2015). The “Turnover intention scale” (Camman et al., 1979) consisted of 3 statements as “I often think about quitting”. The subjects rated the statements on a Likert scale (from 1 – strongly disagree to 7 – strongly agree). A higher score on this scale indicates a stronger intention to quit. Cronbach alpha was measured (α = .764). Agreement to use this questionnaire was get from PsyTest database. Second scale used was the “Coworker Support scale“(Bemiller, Williams, 2011). This consists of 5 statements that had to be rated from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Cronbach alpha showed high score (α = .855). None of the questions were reversed. This questionnaire is available to use for not commercial purpose. The third scale is the “Perceived Organizational Support scale” (Eisenberger et al., 1986). This scale was adjusted to purpose of this research. Word “organizational” was changed to “supervisor” support for purpose of concretization. This questionnaire consists of 8 statements to be rated from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Cronbach alpha also showed high rates (α = .844). After pilot survey with 15 young employee, it was decided not to delete any question from this scale. Higher scores in this scale shows higher organizational (supervisor) support. Four questions were reversed. And finally, socio-demographic questionnaire used after analyzing scientific articles of other scientists. The first hypothesis that socio-demographic factors are significantly related to the construct of turnover intention was partially confirmed. It was discovered that the turnover intention is associated with a general seniority, promotion. [...].The study was conducted to analyze how socio-demographic factors, perceived supervisor support and perceived coworker support is related to turnover intention. The results showed that overall length at working (fewer people with more seniority are considering quitting the job), promotion (less promoted employees are less likely to retire), and turnover intention is correlated. Perceived supervisor support and perceived coworker support is significantly correlated with the turnover intention so the greater the perceived managerial and coworker support, the lower is his or her turnover intention. Evaluating the importance of perceived supervisor support, perceived coworker support along with socio-demographic factors, in predicting turnover intention, it was discovered that only supervisor support predicts turnover intention. Consequently, the greater is the supervisor support, the lower is employee’s turnover intention. In that case we should consider the importance of this kind of support to an employee. Also, the turnover intention is significantly predicted by overall seniority. If someone at work has a bigger overall, seniority we could consider him as someone who think less about quitting, no matter in what kind of work he is. Thus, the stereotype that young employee is volatile and frequently change jobs has been partially refuted. All calculations show that age is not directly related to frequent job rotation, but the support given to the young employee by the supervisor contributes significantly. Emerging adults (young employee) may have different approach to work, sometimes they, in somebody’s opinion, might decide to leave working environment too early. Although other point of view may be that they might be open minded and in need of support at work. And they might not just be young and undecided employee. [From the publication]

1648-4789; 2029-2775
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2020-07-28 20:31:06
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