LTMotiejus Valančius savo didaktinėje kūryboje nemažai dėmesio skiria sutuoktinių tarpusavio santykių vaizdavimui. Žemaičių vyskupo tikslas buvo ugdyti liaudį religine moraline dvasia. Valančiaus nuomone, sutuoktinių gerus santykius lemia vyro ir moters lygiateisiškumas, jų bendradarbiavimas ir vienodai prisiimta atsakomybė už vaikų auklėjimą. Kad šios sąlygos būtų įvykdytos, svarbus abiejų sutuoktinių socialinių-luominių, kultūrinių ir ypač tikybinių požymių atitikimas. Straipsnyje detaliai atskleidžiama, kaip meninėmis priemonėmis Valančius kuria didaktinį pamokymą vyro ir moters santykių darnai užtikrinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Motiejus Valančius; Didaktiniai kūriniai; Sutuoktinių santykiai; Lygiateisiškumas; Blaivybė; Motiejus Valančius; Didactic writings; Marital relationship; Equality; Abstinence.
ENThe article examines the didactic prose writings of Motiejus Valančius (1801– 1875), the Bishop of Samogitia, a writer, and the organiser of a temperance movement. Valančius educated people through his sermons, letters and didactic prose. The article discusses the depiction of marital relationships in nine didactic prose writings. As the analysis reveals, Valančius developed a view of equality between a man and a woman in the family, and both parents taking responsibility for the children’s upbringing. Equality in family relations applies to mutual decision making, the equal distribution of work, and social equality. For example, the characters in Valančius’ tales take mutual decisions concerning the children’s upbringing, and other important decisions concerning daily matters. Aspects of self-control and a tone of proper living ensure mutual consonance between a husband and wife. In order for the relationship between a husband and wife to be harmonious, it is necessary for both of them to be wise, abstinent, diligent and devout. Valančius taught readers how to behave in conflict situations. He suggested being patient, calm, and on some occasions to keep silent.An analysis of Valančius’ writings shows that the author encouraged readers to seek conformity in the social, cultural and religious aspects of both spouses. For this reason, Valančius described in his writings how religious incongruity destroys family life and happiness. The Bishop of Samogitia saw a threat to a happy marriage, and even to a person’s welfare, in relationships between different nationalities. It was a matter of great relevance when the writer talked about marriage to people of Russian nationality. Valančius emphasised that the relationship between a man and a woman was destroyed when they were drunk. The bishop was convinced that debauchery was a human disaster, a cause of moral and physical decline. Therefore, in his didactic prose, a conflict-ridden relationship between spouses, and a poor everyday life, was shown to be the result of debauchery. The analysis of Valančius’ didactic prose shows that the writer divided characters strictly into positive and negative ones. Tales with positive characters were examples of a good and harmonious relationship in the family. Tales with negative characters gave examples of unharmonious and bad behaviour by spouses. It should be noted that the dissemination of the ideas of equality between a woman and a man in a family was rather innovative for these times. [From the publication]