Antivartotojiškumo ir antikomercijos vertybių raiška punk

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Antivartotojiškumo ir antikomercijos vertybių raiška punk/hardcore subkultūroje
Alternative Title:
Expression of anti-consumer and anti-commercial values in punk/hardcore subculture
In the Book:
Humanities in new Europe. 1, Culture and identity / editor-in-chief Romualdas Apanavičius. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 2006. P. 219-231
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas - nekomercine Lietuvos punk/hardcore subkultūra. Pagrindinis straipsnio klausimas: kaip, kokiais būdais ir dėl kokių priežasčių punk/hardcore subkultūroje reiškiasi antivartotojiškos ir antikomercinės nuostatos. Šio straipsnio uždaviniai: pristatyti pagrindines šiuolaikines jaunimo subkultūrų tyrinėjimų tendencijas, išanalizuoti, kaip antivartotojiškumo ir antikomercijos idėjos įkūnijamos punk/hardcore subkultūroje, kokias reikšmes antivartotojiškumo idėjai suteikia patys subkultūros nariai, kaip antivartotojiškos ir antikomercinės punk/hardcore nuostatos veikia narių identitetą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Punk/hardcore jaunimo subkultūra; Antivartotojiškumas; Antikomercija; Tapatumas; "DIY pasidaryk pats"; Punk/hardcore youth subculture; Anti-commercial; Anti-consumerism; Identity; "DIY do it yourself".

ENMain object of the paper: Lithuanian non-commercial punk/hardcore subculture. Main question: how and wherefore anti-consumer and anti-commercial attitudes in punk/hardcore subculture appear. Research objectives: to analyze ideas of anti-consumer and anti-commercial with a reference to theories of contemporary ethnography, and study the meanings of anti-consumer and anti-commercial provided by members of the subculture. Qualitative (ethnographic) methods for gathering data were used. Research data have been collected from August 2005 till June 2006. Using "snow ball" method, twenty interviews with representers of Lithuanian punk/hardcore subculture were conducted, as well different group documents as sources of further research concerned information were used. Research analysis revealed that anti-consumer anti-commercial values in Lithuanian punk/hardcore subculture are closely connected with punk philosophy and 'do it yourself (DIY) culture. Appreciation ot mentioned attitudes derives from the protest to 'system', avoidance of official bureaucratic apparatus and belief, that everything is done officially can be done by themselves (i. e. DIY) as well. Organizing of concerts and other events within punk/hardcore scene are based on enthusiasm and voluntary of the individuals, i. e. activity carries a non-profit character. Subcultural activity enables the members' self-confidence, and both construct an identity of active, conscious and critical person. Main ideas in Lithuanian punk/hardcore subculture flew from Western punk/hardcore and DIY culture: some of them were adopted more successfully, some - not. But main forms of activities, as vegetarianism, Human and Animal rights, actions and demonstrations, nonformal education are developed in Lithuanian punk/ hardcore scene as well as in Western one. [From the publication]

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