Miestai ir sociolingvistika

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Miestai ir sociolingvistika
Alternative Title:
Urban areas and sociolinguistics
Summary / Abstract:

LTĮvadiniame monografijos "Miestai ir kalbos. 2, Sociolingvistinis Lietuvos žemėlapis" straipsnyje aptariamas monografijos tikslas ir uždaviniai. Lietuvos miestų sociolingvistinė padėtis iki šiol tėra ištirta labai menkai. Didžiausias tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos didmiesčiuose – Vilniuje, Kaune ir Klaipėdoje (Ramonienė 2010). Šis tyrimas parodė mūsų šalies didmiesčių gyventojų kalbinę elgseną ir nuostatas, tačiau kitų miestų padėtis ir toliau liko neištirta. Šios monografijos tikslas – detaliai išanalizuoti visų Lietuvos miestų sociolingvistinę padėtį ir remiantis tyrimo duomenimis nubrėžti Lietuvos kalbines perspektyvas. Tyrimo duomenys surinkti vykdant mokslinį projektą „Sociolingvistinis Lietuvos žemėlapis: miestai ir miesteliai“, finansiškai remtą Lietuvos mokslo tarybos (sutarties Nr. LIT- 2-18). Šio projekto tyrimo duomenys sujungti su 2007–2009 metais vykdyto projekto „Kalbų vartojimas ir tautinė tapatybė Lietuvos miestuose“, remto Lietuvos valstybinio mokslo ir studijų fondo, duomenimis iš tokiais pat metodais tirtų Lietuvos didmiesčių Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos. Visos šios tiriamosios medžiagos analizė leidžia matyti visapusišką urbanistinį Lietuvos kalbinės situacijos vaizdą. [Iš teksto, p. 10]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Daugiakalbystė; Kalbos miestuose; Tarmės miestuose; Sociolingvistika; Multilingualism; Languages in cities; Dialects in cities; Sociolinguistics.

ENThe introductory article of the monograph "A Sociolinguistic Map of Lithuania: Cities and Towns" discusses the aim and tasks of the book. Globalization, migration, increasing urbanization and other social processes are rapidly changing the sociolinguistic situation in the world. These changes are evident in the choice of language for communication in different areas of life, shifts in linguistic attitudes as well as their impact on the maintenance of ethnic identity. Global trends affect linguistic repertoires of many people and language communities by creating new models of language use both in real-life and in virtual communication, and contribute to the development of so-called super-diversity (Blommaert 2010: 6–12) and multilingualism. Undoubtedly, the earliest evidence of the influence of globalization on language is to be found in urban areas. The changing sociolinguistic situation, increasing multilingualism, linguistic landscape of the cities and such related issues as language policy, planning, and language ideologies have been in the focus of many linguistic studies (Barni 2008; Spolsky 2004, 2009; Nordberg 1994; Quist and Svendsen 2010). During the last decades, studies into demolinguistics (De Vries 1990), geolinguistics (Van der Merve 1989) and linguistic landscaping (Backhaus 2007; Gorter 2006; Shohamy and Gorter 2009; Shohamy, Ben-Rafael and Barni 2010) as well as other inter-disciplinary research of linguistic diversity in contemporary multilingual contexts have been focused on public and private language use and the use of language varieties along the dimensions of time and space.Another approach frequently applied in sociolinguistic studies is sociolinguistic mapping (Barni 2008; Bouzada-Fernández 2003; Šuplinska and Lazdiņa 2009). Visual reporting of large-scale research data in maps, tables, graphs, and schemes allows for a detailed analysis of the complex phenomenon of communicative behaviour and provides the scientific background for further research or applied studies of language policy.Sociolinguistic situation in urban areas of Lithuania remains very little investigated. One of the few existing studies deals with sociolinguistic situation in the three largest cities of the country, namely Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda (Ramonienė 2010). The current study aims to contribute to the field by reporting detailed data on the sociolinguistic situation of all urban areas of Lithuania, which will enable researchers to outline the linguistic prospects of the country.The book contains an analysis of language and dialect knowledge and use across different areas of communication; it also discusses linguistic attitudes of the population and the relationship between linguistic attitudes and identity, reveals the specificity of different regions, and looks into the impact of city size on the linguistic behaviour of its residents. The study described here involved quantitative and qualitative research methods. All the data was collected during the research project “A Sociolinguistic Map of Lithuania: Cities and Towns” sponsored by the Research Council of Lithuania (contract No. LIT-2-18). The quantitative data comes from a survey of 4,697 respondents from urban areas of Lithuania with over 3,000 inhabitants. This data was consolidated with the data from the project “Language Usage and National Identity in Urban Areas of Lithuania: Cities and Languages” (2007–2009) carried out with the support of the Lithuanian State Studies Foundation in the three largest cities, namely Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda. The quantitative data from the two research projects was used to draw 30 sociolinguistic maps and incorporated into the qualitative analysis of 300 in-depth interviews administered using a semi-structured questionnaire. The analysis of the data reveals a comprehensive picture of linguistic situation in urban areas of Lithuania. [From the publication]

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