"Spisek umarłych krewnych". Nieznane materiały do obrazu życia religijnego i rodzinnego Tatarów na Litwie w XIX wieku

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
"Spisek umarłych krewnych". Nieznane materiały do obrazu życia religijnego i rodzinnego Tatarów na Litwie w XIX wieku
Alternative Title:
"Register of dead Relatives". Unknown materials for the image of the religious and family life of Tartars in Lithuania in the nineteenth century
In the Journal:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny. 2019, 5, p. 251-294
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baranovskių giminė; Islamas; Kapinės; Koranas; Kričinskių giminė; Lietuvos totoriai; Lukiškių mečetė; Musulmonų tikėjimas; Rozalija Januševska, mergautine pavarde Baranovska; Vilnius islamas; „Mirusių giminaičių sąrašas“; Baranowski family; Cemeteries; Islam; Kryczynski family; Lithuanian Tatars; Muslim faith; Quran; Rozalia Januszewska, nee Baranowska; The Lukiškės mosques; Vilnius Islam; „Register of Dead Relatives“.

ENArchival materials about individual Tatars or Tatar families, such as register records or last wills, are essential not only for research into the history of Tatars in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but also into their culture. They are an important complementary material for the content of religious manuscripts and epigraphic sources. The collection of notes analysed in this study is a unique example of this type of material created for home use. The notes were written around 1865 in the circle of the Baranowski family, important to the history of the Tatar community, but whose fate since the first half of the 19th century is very poorly known to historians and genealogists. Mostly, the notes were written by the great-granddaughter of General Mustafa Baranowski (died in 1800), Rozalia Januszewska née Baranowska. The most important part of the set is the list of deceased relatives, on behalf of whom Surah 36 Yasin of the Quran was read. This practice was an important component of Tatar religious ritual associated with the worship of ancestors and family ties.This list, together with the rest of the analysed set of notes, in combination with hitherto unknown tomb inscriptions and published genealogical materials, makes it possible to determine the composition and part of the basic information about the three generations of the Baranowski family, previously unknown to historians (including that it probably explains the identity of Maciej Tuhan-Baranowski, the author of the so-called Notes about Lithuanian Muslims [tzw. noty „O muślimach litewskich”] (edited by Antoni Kruman and published in print in 1896), which had a great impact on historical literature on Tatars in the first half of the 20th century. An in-depth analysis of the discussed materials reveals a number of elements of the image of the now non-existent social group of Tartar landowners in the mid-19th century. Its ethnic and religious identity was gradually replaced by identifi cation with the intellectual and landowning class of Polish (or Russian) society. The next stage of this assimilation process was the conversion to Catholicism or Orthodoxy and increasingly numerous mixed marriages. They contributed to the disappearance of a number of the most important historical families from the Tartar diaspora in the 20th century. [From the publication]

2450-8446; 2450-8454
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