Rodzina Łoknickich herbu Nieczuja na Podlasiu i w powiecie brzesko-litewskim do połowy XVII wieku

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Rodzina Łoknickich herbu Nieczuja na Podlasiu i w powiecie brzesko-litewskim do połowy XVII wieku
Alternative Title:
Łoknicki family of the Nieczuja coat of arms in Podlasie and Brest-Litovsk district until the mid-seventeenth century
In the Journal:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny. 2019, 5, p. 121-144
Straipsnio papildymas: Rocznik Lituanistyczny. 2021, 7, p. 117-127. ISSN 2450-8446 2450-8454.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bajorija; Genealogija; Herbynai; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Loknickiai; Loknickių giminė; Palenkė; Santuokos; Armorials; Genealogy; Loknicki family; Marriages; Nobility; Podlasie; The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Łoknicki family.

ENThe essay presents the pedigree of the noble Łoknicki family of the Nieczuja coat of arms, covering fi ve generations settled in the Bielsko and Brest-Litovsk lands throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The progenitor of the family, Piotr Łoknicki, is known only from the patronymic of Jan Faraur, who fi rst served as a treasurer at the court of the Bishop of Vilnius Jan of the Lithuanian Dukes, and at the end of his life held the offi ce of wojski (Lat. tribunus) in the Bielsko district. In marriage with an unknown by name Jasieńska, he had four children, Marian, Stanisław, Przecław, and a daughter Anna. Jan’s two older sons held the offi ce of royal secretaries, and one of them was also a Derpt (Tartu) steward. Two older sons of Jan Faraur entered into marriage with daughters of the Lithuanian nobility, and the younger Przecław with the noblewoman from Lesser Poland (Małopolska), with whom he did not leave any children. Th e most numerous off spring was left by Marian Łoknicki, who had twelve children, while his brother Stanisław only three, whose fate we do not know. Marian’s two younger sons, Mikołaj Piotr and Stanisław Łoknicki, were appointed to local offi ces in the military structures of Bielsko land (Mikołaj Piotr as standard-bearer [chorąży]) and Brest-Litovsk (Stanisław as wojski). Grandson of Mikołaj, Antoni, reached the offi ce of the Grodno cupbearer (podczaszy), while Stanisław’s two sons chose an ecclesiastical career and achieved significant positions: as the Oliwa abbot and the prefect and professor of moral theology in Jesuit colleges. Observing the social circle of the Łoknicki marriages, we fi nd a defi nite advantage of the families living in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which infl uenced the relocation of some of the descendants of Jan Faraur Łoknicki to these areas. [From the publication]

2450-8446; 2450-8454
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