Идея литовско-латышского совместного государства Йонаса Шлюпаса и ее истоки

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Идея литовско-латышского совместного государства Йонаса Шлюпаса и ее истоки
Alternative Title:
Origins of Jonas Šliūpas' idea of a united Lithuanian-Latvian state
In the Journal:
Vēsture: avoti un cilvēki [History: sources and people]. 2015, 18, p. 310-317
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bendra Lietuvos ir Latvijos valstybė; Jonas Šliūpas; Latvių-lietuvių respublika; Lietuvių-latvių vienybės idėja; Lietuvos-Latvijos valstybė; Idea of Lithuanian-Latvian unity; Joint Lithuanian and Latvian State; Jonas Sliupas; Jonas Šliūpas; Letto-Lithuanian Republic; Lithuanian-Latvian state.

ENThe present article reviews the idea of a united Lithuanian-Latvian state as a political goal that was promoted by Jonas Šliūpas, an activist of the Lithuanian national awakening (in English transcription: John Szlupas/ Szliupas/Sliupas, 1861-1944). The research of the idea of establishing a common state shows that the concept of a Lithuanian-Latvian confederation (similar to Switzerland) existed already in 1884 and was mentioned in East Prussia (Germany) by Germans. The idea of a united Lithuanian-Latvian state was adopted by J. Šliūpas who further developed this idea in his own way. J. Šliūpas had acknowledged that he had first heard of the Lithuanian- Latvian state concept in 1884, in presentations of several Germans, after his oration in Tilsit (East Prussia). At the time he was 23 years old, the age when a young man is open to many new ideas. After coming to the United States, in 1885 he started promoting the idea of a Lithuanian-Latvian state in the New York Lithuanian language newspaper "Unija". Later J. Šliūpas continued this idea in his subsequent publications. Such a revelation of the origin of a Lithuanian-Latvian state idea (Letto-Lithuanian Republic) helps in understanding why this early concept later found very little enthusiasm among the Lithuanian and the Latvian leaders, because the idea originated from outside and did not reflect the Lithuanian and Latvian interests. It promoted German understanding and the strategic interests developed by the Kaiserís Germany in the 19th century. It intended to separate Lithuanian and Latvian lands from the Russian Empire, thus creating a central buffer zone between the two antagonists that served German interests. The idea most likely is associated with the grandiose German plan in how to reorganize Central and Eastern Europe. After the beginning of World War I, new possibilities emerged in how to fulfill these strategic plans. [From the publication]

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